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jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2020

#TacleandoLaNFL Hoy comienza la temporada 2020-2021 de la NFL



SÚPER TITULARESLa historia indica que la mejor forma de que un equipo inicie su camino hacia un campeonato en el Super Bowl es ganando en la primera semana.​

Los ganadores de 54 Super Bowls tienen marca de 44-9-1 en sus partidos del Fin de semana inaugural de sus campañas de campeonato. Los KANSAS CITY CHIEFS, campeones de; Super Bowl LIV y que reciben a Houston en el juego de hora tope que da inicio a la temporada de la NFL el jueves (8:20 PM, hora de New York, NBC), ganaron sus últimos cinco juegos en Fin de semana inaugural, la racha más larga activa en la AFC y la que empata a la racha más larga activa en la NFL (Green Bay). 

Desde 1978, cuando la la NFL pasó al calendario de 16 partidos, y excluyendo la temporada abreviada de 1982, los equipos que ganan en sus respectivas aperturas de temporada tienen más del doble de chances de alcanzar la postemporada que los que pierden su juego de apertura de campaña:

  • De los 617 equipos que ganaron en sus aperturas…322 clasificaron a la postemporada (196 ganaron títulos divisionales).
  • De los 616 equipos que perdieron en sus aperturas…148 clasificaron a la postemporada (86 ganaron títulos divisionales).

    ​ Nota: hay un número diferente de equipos ganadores y perdedores en partidos de apertura de temporada debido al hecho que la NFL tuvo 31 equipos en cada temporada en el lapso 1999-2001, lo que crea un número impar para el número total de resultados.

    En 2019, los 12 equipos que alcanzaron la postemporada compilaron registro de 11-1 en el Fin de semana inaugural y los cuatro participantes de los campeonatos de conferencia –Green Bay, Kansas City, San Francisco y Tennessee– salieron victoriosos en la primera semana.

    -- NFL --

    RACHAS TITULARIZANDOEl de los Chiefs no es el único equipo que vienen brillando en las aperturas de temporada. A continuación, algunos otros hitos y rachas notables con vigencia en el arranque de la NFL:
  • Los capeones defensores de la AFC Norte, los BALTIMORE RAVENS, que el domingo (1:00 PM, hora de New York, CBS) reciben a los CLEVELAND BROWNS, ganaron sus últimos cuatro partidos en Fin de semana inaugural, la segunda racha activa más larga en la AFC.
  • Los GREEN BAY PACKERS abren su temporada fuera de casa contra los MINNESOTA VIKINGS el domingo (1:00 PM, hora de New York, FOX). Los Packers ganaron 57 partidos en el Fin de semana inaugural, la mayor cantidad en la NFL. Green Bay ganó sus últimos cinco juegos de Fin de semana inaugural, mientras que los Vikings llegan a la temporada 2020 habiendo ganado sus últimas cuatro aperturas.
  • Los DALLAS COWBOYS visitan a los LOS ANGELES RAMS en el clásico de domingo en la noche Sunday Night Football de la primera semana (8:20 PM, hora de New York, NBC). Con un porcentaje de victorias de .661 (39-20-1), los Cowboys ostentan el mejor porcentaje de triunfos en la NFC en Fin de semana inaugural.
  • En el primero de los dos partidos del clásico lunes en la noche Monday Night Football del Fin de semana inaugural, los NEW YORK GIANTS reciben a los PITTSBURGH STEELERS (7:10 PM, hora de New York, ESPN). Los Giants tienen 50 victorias en el Fin de semana inaugural, la tercera mayor cantidad entre todos los equipos, mientras que las 43 victorias de Pittsburgh son la mayor cantidad entre los equipos de la AFC.
  • Los DENVER BRONCOS, que arrancan la temporada recibiendo a los TENNESSEE TITANS en el segundo duelo de Monday Night Football (10:20 PM, hora de New York, ESPN), también registraron un porcentaje de triunfos de .661 (39-20-1) en el Fin de semana inaugural, la mejor marca en la AFC. Denver ganó siete de sus últimos ocho juegos en Fin de semana inaugural. 

    *En el lapso 1920-71, los partidos empatados no se incluían en el porcentaje de triunfos

    -- NFL --

    ENCIÉNDEMEAlgunos jugadores fueron excelsos en apertura de temporada. A continuación, ejemplos de desempeños individuales notable en el NFL Fin de semana inaugural de la NFL:
  • El mariscal de campo de New Orleans DREW BREES tiene 39 pases anotadores en los 18 partidos de su carrera en la primera semana, mientras que el mariscal de campo de Tampa Bay TOM BRADY tiene 37 pases anotadores en los 17 juegos de su carrera en el Fin de semana inaugural. Los dos se ubican primero y segundo en la historia de la NFL, respectivamente, en pases anotadores en sus carreras en el Fin de semana inaugural y el domingo (4:25 PM, hora de New York, FOX) se verán las caras. 
    Brees también lidera todos los jugadores con 5,406 yardas aéreas en su carrera en el Fin de semana inaugural, mientras Brady se ubica tercer con 4,693. Con al menos 44 yardas aéreas el domingo, Brady superará a PEYTON MANNING (4,736) en el segundo puesto en la lista histórica.
  • El corredor de Detroit ADRIAN PETERSON tiene 999 yardas por tierra en los 12 partidos inaugurales de su carrera y necesita una yarda terrestres el domingo contra Chicago (1:00 PM, hora de New York, FOX) para convertirse en el quinto jugador con al menos 1,000 yardas por tierra en partidos de apertura de campaña, uniéndose a los miembros del Salón de la Fama EMMITT SMITH(1,247), WALTER PAYTON (1,067), EDGERRIN JAMES (1,062) y JIM BROWN (1,043).
    Peterson también ingresa a la temporada con nueve acarreos anotadores en su carrera en Fin de semana inaugural y necesita uno más para unirse al miembro del Salón de la Fama MARCUS ALLEN (12), a CHUCK MUNCIE (11) y PRIEST HOLMES (10) como los únicos jugadores en la historia de la NFL con al menos 10 acarreos anotadores en partidos de apertura de temporada.
  • El receptor de Arizona LARRY FITZGERALD, que registró ocho recepciones para 113 yardas y una anotación en el Fin de semana inaugural en 2019, tiene 92 recepciones en los 16 partidos de su carrera en Fin de semana inaugural, empatando la mayor cantidad en la historia. Con al menos una recepción el domingo en San Francisco (4:25 PM, hora de New York, FOX), Fitzgerald superará al miembro del Salón de la Fama JERRY RICE (92 recepciones) para la mayor cantidad de recepciones en su carrera en juegos de apertura de campaña en la historia de la NFL
    Fitzgerald tiene 1,181 yardas recibiendo en partidos de primera semana, y con al menos 45 yardas recibiendo el domingo puede superar a los miembros del Salón de la Fama
     RANDY MOSS (1,194) y ANDRE REED (1,225) para la segunda mayor cantidad en la historia de la NFL. Rice tiene la mayor cantidad de yardas recibiendo en el Fin de semana inaugural, con 1,385.
  • El receptor de Philadelphia DESEAN JACKSON, que tuvo 154 yardas recibiendo en el Fin de semana inaugural en 2019, tiene seis partidos en su carrera con al menos 100 yardas recibiendo en primera semana, empatando la mayor cantidad en la historia. Con al menos 100 yardas recibiendo contra Washington el domingo (1:00 PM, hora de New York, FOX), Jackson superaría al miembro del Salón de la Fama MICHAEL IRVIN (seis) para la mayor cantidad de juegos con 100 yardas recibiendo en el Fin de semana inaugural en la historia de la NFL.

    -- NFL --

    TITULARES DE ENTRADA. Se espera que el mariscal de campo novato de Cincinnati JOE BURROW, la selección global Nº 1 en el Sorteo Universitario de la NFL 2020, tenga la primera titularidad de su carrera contra los Los Angeles Chargers el domingo (4:05 PM, hora de New York, CBS). Con una titularidad de Burrow, al menos un mariscal de campo novato habrá titularizado en la primera semana en 13 temporadas consecutivas, la racha más larga en la NFL desde al menos 1950.

    Los mariscales de campo novatos que titularizaron en la primera semana desde 2008:






Joe Flacco




Matt Ryan




Mark Sánchez

New York Jets



Matthew Stafford*




Sam Bradford*

St. Louis Rams



Andy Dalton




Cam Newton*




Robert Griffin III




Andrew Luck* 




Ryan Tannehill




Brandon Weeden




Russell Wilson




EJ Manuel




Geno Smith

New York Jets



Derek Carr

Oakland Raiders



Marcus Mariota




Jameis Winston*

Tampa Bay 



Dak Prescott




Carson Wentz




DeShone Kizer




Sam Darnold

New York Jets



Kyler Murray*




Joe Burrow*^



*Turno Nº 1 global

^Se espera que titularice en la pirmera semana


-- NFL --

BRADY BREES. Los mariscales de campo TOM BRADY DREW BREES se enfrentarán como rivales de división por primera vez, ya que Tampa Bay viaja a New Orleans el domingo (4:25 PM, hora de New York, FOX). Brady (43 años de edad) y Brees (41) son los dos jugadores activos de más edad de la NFL, y el encuentro del domingo será el primero en la historia de la liga entre dos mariscales de campo novatos cuya edad es de 40 o más. 

Los jugadores llegan a la temporada 2020 como los dos mejores en la historia en yardas aéreas y en pases anotadores. Su encuentro de la primera semana marca el primer juego desde al menos 1950 entre los dos mejores en la historia en pases anotadores. ​

Los jugadores con las mayores cantidades de yardas aéreas en sus carreras en la historia de la NFL:​




Drew Brees

San Diego, New Orleans


Tom Brady

New England


Peyton Manning

Indianapolis, Denver


Los jugadores con las mayores cantidades de pases anotadores en sus carreras en la historia de la NFL




Drew Brees

San Diego, New Orleans


Tom Brady

New England


Peyton Manning

Indianapolis, Denver


Con al menos dos pases anotadores el domingo, Brees (165 partidos) superará a PEYTON MANNING para la segunda mayor cantidad de tales desempeños en la historia de la NFL, solamente detrás de Brady (173). Con al menos tres pases anotadores, Brees (93 partidos) superará a Manning para la mayor cantidad de tales desempeños en los anales de la liga. Brady ingresa a la temporada tercero en la lista histórica con 86 juegos con al menos tres pases anotadores. ​

Los jugadores con las mayores cantidades de partidos en sus carreras con al menos dos pases anotadores en la historia de la NFL:




Tom Brady

New England


Drew Brees

San Diego, New Orleans


Peyton Manning

Indianapolis, Denver


Los jugadores con las mayores cantidades de partidos en sus carreras con al menos tres pases anotadores en la historia de la NFL
: ​




Drew Brees

San Diego, New Orleans


Peyton Manning

Denver, Indianapolis


Tom Brady

New England


Si Brees registra un índice de pasador de 125 o superior, también superaría a Manning (50 partidos) para la mayor cantidad de tales desempeños en la historia de la NFL

Otros hitos de carrera en el juego aéreo que pueden ser alcanzados en la primera semana:

  • Con al menos tres pases anotadores el domingo en Jacksonville (1:00 PM, hora de New York, CBS), el mariscal de campo de Indianapolis PHILIP RIVERS (397 pases anotadores en su carrera) puede convertirse en el sexto jugador con 400 anotaciones aéreas en su carrera en la historia de la NFL
  • Con al menos 290 yardas aéreas el domingo contra Seattle (1:00 PM, hora de New York, FOX), el mariscal de campo de Atlanta MATT RYAN (51,186 yardas aéreas en su carrera) puede superar al miembro del Salón de la Fama JOHN ELWAY (51,475) en el noveno puesto de la lista histórica de la liga
  • Con al menos 58 yardas aéreas el domingo en Minnesota (1:00 PM, hora de New York, FOX), el mariscal de campo de Green Bay AARON RODGERS (46,946 yardas aéreas en su carrera) puede superar al miembro del Salón de la Fama FRAN TARKENTON (47,003) en el 12° puesto de la lista histórica
  • Con al menos 266 yardas aéreas el domingo en Atlanta (1:00 PM, hora de New York, FOX), el mariscal de campo de Seattle RUSSELL WILSON puede alcanzar las 30,000 yardas aéreas en su carrera, convirtiéndose en el 11° jugador en hacerlo en sus primeras nueve temporadas en la historia de la liga

    -- NFL –

    ACARREANDO HACIA EL LIBRO DE MARCAS. El mariscal de campo de Baltimore LAMAR JACKSON la temporada pasada se convirtió en el mariscal de campo más joven en ganar el premio a Jugador más valioso (MVP, por sus siglas en inglés) en la historia de la NFL tras haber encabezado la liga con 36 pases anotadores y haber acarreado 1,206 yardas, la mayor cantidad de yardas por tierra por un mariscal de campo en una sola temporada en la historia de la NFL. 

    Jackson tuvo cinco partidos con al menos 100 yardas por tierra la temporada pasada, la mayor cantidad por un mariscal de campo en una sola temporada en la historia de la NFL, e ingresa a 2020 con 1,901 yardas por tierra en su carrera a lo largo de sus primeras dos temporadas. 

    Con al menos 132 yardas por tierra el domingo contra Cleveland (1:00 PM, hora de New York, CBS), Jackson puede superar a CAM NEWTON (2,032 yardas por tierra) en la mayor cantidad de yardas por tierra por un mariscal de campo en sus primeras tres temporadas en la historia de la NFL.​

    Los mariscales de campo con las mayores cantidades de yardas por tierra en sus primeras tres temporadas en la historia de la NFL:




Cam Newton



Lamar Jackson



Russell Wilson



*Ingresando en su tercera temporada



​-- NFL --​

LÍDER EN RECEPCIONES. El receptor de New Orleans MICHAEL THOMAS la temporada pasada encabezó la NFL con 149 recepciones para 1,725 yardas recibiendo, superando al miembro del Salón de la Fama MARVIN HARRISON (143 recepciones en 2002) en la mayor cantidad de recepciones en una sola temporada en la historia de la NFL. También registró nueve partidos con al menos 10 recepciones, la mayor cantidad en una sola temporada en los anales de la liga. 

Thomas ingresa a su quinta temporada en la NFL con 470 recepciones en su carrera y necesita al menos 12 recepciones el domingo contra Tampa Bay (4:25 ET, FOX) para superar a JARVIS LANDRY (481 recepciones) en la mayor cantidad de recepciones para un jugador en sus primeras cinco temporadas en la historia de la NFL

Los jugadores con las mayores cantidades de recepciones en sus primeras cinco temporadas en la historia de la NFL:




Jarvis Landry

Miami, Cleveland


Michael Thomas

New Orleans


Larry Fitzgerald



*Ingresando en su quinta temporada​

-- NFL --

ACERCÁNDOSE A 800. El receptor de Atlanta JULIO JONES tiene 797 recepciones para 12,125 yardas y 57 anotaciones en los 126 partidos de su carrera.

Jones necesita tres recepciones el domingo contra Seattle (1:00 PM, hora de New York, FOX) para convertirse en el segundo jugador que más rápido alcanza las 800 recepciones en la historia de la NFL.​

Los jugadores que llegaron a800 recepciones en su carrera en las menores cantidades de juegos en la historia de la NFL:​




Antonio Brown



Marvin HarrisonHOF



Andre Johnson






Julio Jones



*Tiene 797 recepciones llegando al domingo

-- NFL –

NO MÁS NOVATOS. El Novato ofensivo del año de Associated Press 2019, el mariscal de campo de Arizona KYLER MURRAY, y el Novato defensivo del año de Associated Press 2019, el liniero defensivo de San Francisco NICK BOSA, se encontrarán frente a frente en la primera semana, cuando los 49ers reciban a los Cardinals el domingo (4:25 PM, hora de New York, FOX). 

Marcará la tercera vez en la historia de la NFL en que dos Novatos del año reinantes se encuentran en el Fin de semana inaugural. El corredor de New England JOHN STEPHENS y el jugador de secundaria de los New York Jets ERIK MCMILLAN se encontraron en la primera semana de la temporada 1989, mientras que el corredor de los San Diego Chargers DON WOODS y el apoyador miembro del Salón de la Fama de Pittsburgh JACK LAMBERT chocaron en la inauguración de la temporada 1975. 

Los duelos del Fin de semana inaugural donde se enfrentan los novatos del año ofensivo y defensivo reinantes en la historia de la NFL:​






Mariscal de campo Kyler Murray (Arizona)

Liniero defensivo Nick Bosa (San Francisco)



Corredor John Stephens (New England)

Jugador de secundaria Erik McMillan (NY Jets)

New England 27, New York Jets 24


Corredor Don Woods (San Diego)

Apoyador Jack LambertHOF (Pittsburgh)

Pittsburgh 37, San Diego 0

From work to travel, from school to entertainment, from family outings to special events – 2020 has challenged us in every aspect of our daily life. This year has provided us the opportunity to reflect on experiences of the past and dream of an even more memorable future.
As the NFL season is set to kickoff tonight, we’re dreaming of all the sights and sounds that we can't wait to get back to…from epic pregame tailgates and high-fives after a last second score to the ear-piercing roar of the crowd and unforgettable halftime shows.
Join us in Tampa Bay as the season culminates at Super Bowl LV. With an Official Ticket Package from NFL On Location, turn your dreams into the experience-of-a-lifetime on February 7.


To Celebrate NFL Kickoff, Patrick Mahomes’ Foundation, 15 and the Mahomies, and Deshaun Watson are Delivering Meals to Frontline Healthcare Workers in the Opposing QB’s City 

SAN FRANCISCO AND NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER 9, 2020 -- The National Football League and Postmates, have entered into a multi-year sponsorship agreement making Postmates the first official on-demand food delivery partner of the NFL. Postmates is also an official sponsor of NFL premier events including the Super Bowl, Pro Bowl and Draft, to name a few. 

“People across the country aren’t just ready to order their favorite gameday foods, they are eagerly awaiting the return of football. While most fans won’t be able to physically go to the game, this partnership with the NFL allows us to bring the gameday experience, and a few surprises throughout the season, directly to fans,” said Eric Edge, Senior Vice President, Marketing & Communications, Postmates.

“Fans will be watching NFL football this season from their couch more than ever before, so teaming up with Postmates as the first official on-demand food delivery partner of the NFL was a perfect combination,” said Nana-Yaw Asamoah, Vice President of Business Development for the NFL. “We’re excited for Postmates to deliver gameday food favorites and special surprises to our fans’ doorsteps throughout the year.”

To kick off the season on Thursday night, Postmates has teamed up with Patrick Mahomes’ foundation 15 and the Mahomies who will be delivering meals to frontline healthcare workers at the Ben Taub Hospital in Houston. Deshaun Watson has stepped up to the challenge and is using Postmates to deliver meals to frontline workers at Truman Medical Center Hospital Hill in Kansas City.

Throughout the season, Postmates will be rolling out unique promotions, integrations and content to celebrate both food and football. 

Notas de la NFL de la primera semana


La NFL retorna esta semana y es hora de volver al fútbol americano. El Fin de semana inaugural marca el inicio de un periplo de 256 partidos, un viaje que promete esperanza para cada uno de los 32 equipos de la liga, que tienen la mira puesta en el Super Bowl LV, que se celebrará el domingo 7 de febrero de 2021 en el estadio Raymond James de Tampa, Florida. La 101ª temporada de la NFL arranca el jueves en la noche (NBC, 8:20 PM, hora de New York) cuando el campeón del Super Bowl KANSAS CITY CHIEFS reciba a los HOUSTON TEXANS en el estadio Arrowhead, en la revancha de su partido de vuelta Divisional de la AFC 2019.

Sin marca de la NFL las altas anotaciones y partidos cerrados. En 2020, la liga está construyendo lo que se espera sea una de las temporadas más prolíficas y competitivas en la historia de la liga.​ 

El año pasado los equipos se combinaron para registrar 1,244 anotaciones ofensivas (pases y acarreos anotadores combinados), la segunda mayor cantidad en una sola temporada en la historia de la NFL, y 1,332 anotaciones totales, el tercer total más alto en una sola temporada en los anales de la liga. Adicionalmente, el 68 por ciento de los partidos (174 de 256) tuvieron diferencia de una anotación en el resultado (ocho puntos) en el último período, empatando la quinta mayor cantidad de tales juegos en una sola campaña en la historia de la NFL, mientras que el 52.3 por ciento de los partidos (134 de 256) fueron decididos por ocho o menos puntos, la quinta mayor cantidad de tales juegos en una sola temporada.

La temporada pasada, una ola de estrellas jóvenes irrumpieron en escena, especialmente en la posición de mariscal de campo. La temporada 2019 vio 208 juegos que tuvieron al menos un mariscal de campo titular por debajo de la edad de 27, la mayor cantidad en una sola temporada en la historia de la NFL. En total, la temporada pasada los mariscales de campo por debajo de 27 años de edad titularizaron 287 partidos y registraron 144 victorias en esas titularidades, ambos totales los más altos desde 1970 para una misma temporada. 

Tres mariscales de campo por debajo de la edad de 25 –el de Baltimore LAMAR JACKSON (Sorteo Universitario de la NFL de 2018), el de Kansas City PATRICK MAHOMES (Sorteo Universitario de la NFL de 2017) y el de Houston DESHAUN WATSON (Sorteo Universitario de la NFL de 2017) – lideraron a sus respectivos equipos a títulos divisionales en cada una de las últimos dos temporadas.

La temporada 2020 estará repleta de momentos memorables, con jugadores jóvenes emergiendo, viejos conocidos procurando quebrar marcas y equipos intentando dejar su huella en la postemporada. Cada equipo ingresa a la temporada con esperanzas y un viaje a Tampa Bay para el Super Bowl LV entre ceja y ceja. A continuación, las razones.​

  • MÁS PLAZAS EN POSTEMPORADA. Por primera vez en 2020, la NFL adopta un formato de postemporada de 14 equipos, con dos equipos Comodín adicionales –uno en la conferencia Americana y otro de la conferencia Nacional– clasificando a la postemporada. Desde 1990, cuando la NFL adoptó el formato de playoffs de 12 equipos, al menos cuatro equipos clasificaron cada campaña tras haber estado ausente en la postemporada anterior. La temporada pasada clasificaron cinco equipos que no habían pasado el corte en 2018: Buffalo (10-6), Green Bay (13-3), Minnesota (10-6), San Francisco (13-3) y Tennessee (9-7)–.

    Tanto Green Bay (NFC Norte) como San Francisco (NFC Oeste) ganaron sus respectivas divisiones el año pasado luego de ni siquiera haber clasificado en 2018 y al menos dos equipos ganaron sus divisiones en la temporada siguiente a haberse perdido los playoffs en 16 de los últimos 17 años

    En 15 de las últimas 17 temporadas, al menos un equipo terminó en el primer puesto en su división la temporada siguiente a haber finalizando en el último puesto, en solitario o empatándolo. En realidad, de los 48 equipos en la historia de la liga que fueron de “peor a primero”, 25 lo han hecho en los últimos 17 años (2003-19), incluyendo tres de tales equipos en 2005 y 2006, una marca de la NFL. Dos equipos durante ese lapso, los New Orleans Saints de 2009 y los Philadelphia Eagles de 2017, ganaron el Super Bowl tras haber finalizado en el último puesto en sus divisiones la campaña anterior.
  • ¿REPETIRÁN LOS CHIEFS COMO CAMPEONES DEL SUPER BOWL? Habiendo recién obtenido su primer Super Bowl en 50 años, los Chiefs comienzan su misión de repetir el título de campeón. Solamente ocho equipos ganaron títulos consecutivos desde el primer Super Bowl, jugado en enero de 1967, con los Patriots de 2004 (Super Bowls XXXVIII y XXXIX) siendo el último equipo en lograr tal hazaña.
  • MARCAS EL ALCANCE. El mariscal de campo de New Orleans DREW BREES (77,416 yardas aéreas y 547 pase anotadores) ingresa a la temporada 2020 como el líder de la liga en ambas categorías, mientras que el de Tampa Bay TOM BRADY (74,571 yardas aéreas y 541 pase anotadores) está segundo … Brady (283 titularidades en temporada regular) puede superar al miembro del Salón de la Fama BRETT FAVRE (298) para la mayor cantidad de titularidades por un mariscal de campo en la historia de la NFL … El mariscal de campo de Indianapolis PHILIP RIVERS (59,271 yardas aéreas y 397 pases anotadores) puede superar al miembro del Salón de la Fama DAN MARINO (61,361 yardas aéreas y 420 pases anotadores) en la quinta posición en la lista histórica de la categoría … El mariscal de campo de Green Bay AARON RODGERS (46,946 yardas aéreas) puede convertirse en el 11º jugador en los anales de la liga con 50,000 yardas aéreas en su carrera … El corredor de New York Jets FRANK GORE (15,347 yardas por tierra y 19,243 yardas desde la línea de golpeo) puede convertirse en el tercer jugador en la historia de la NFL con 16,000 yardas terrestres en su carrera y el cuarto jugador con 20,000 carrera yardas desde la línea de golpeo … El corredor de Detroit ADRIAN PETERSON (14,216 yardas por tierra) puede superar al miembro del Salón de la Fama BARRY SANDERS (15,269 yardas terrestres) para la cuarta mayor cantidad en los anales de la liga … Peterson (111 acarreo anotadores) puede convertirse en el cuarto jugador en la historia de la NFL con 120 acarreo anotadores en su carrera … El receptor de Arizona LARRY FITZGERALD ingresa en 2020 siendo el segundo en la historia en recepciones (1,378) y yardas recibiendo (17,083) … Fitzgerald (120 recepciones anotadoras) puede superar al miembro del Salón de la Fama MARVIN HARRISON (128) para la quinta mayor cantidad de recepciones anotadoras en la historia de la NFL … El ala cerrada de Las Vegas JASON WITTEN (1,215 recepciones) puede convertirse en el cuarto jugador en los anales de la liga con 1,300 recepciones en su carrera.
  • CARAS FAMILIARES EN NUEVOS SITIOS. Cinco equipos ingresan en la temporada 2020 con nuevo entrenador en jefe: JOE JUDGE con los New York Giants, MIKE MCCARTHY con Dallas, MATT RHULE con Carolina, RON RIVERA con Washington y KEVIN STEFANKSI con Cleveland.

    Cinco entrenadores en jefe novatos lideraron a sus equipos en su viaje a la postemporada en las últimas tres temporadas: MATT LAFLEUR (Green Bay) en 2019, MATT NAGY (Chicago) y FRANK REICH (Indianapolis) en 2018, y SEAN MCVAY (L.A. Rams) y SEAN MCDERMOTT (Buffalo) en 2017.

    Varios jugadores notables cambiaron de lugar durante esta pasada entre temporadas, incluyendo a los mariscales de campo TOM BRADY(Tampa Bay) y PHILIP RIVERS (Indianapolis); los corredores MELVIN GORDON (Denver) y TODD GURLEY (Atlanta); los receptores STEFON DIGGS (Buffalo) y DEANDRE HOPKINS (Arizona); los alas cerradas AUSTIN HOOPER (Cleveland) y JASON WITTEN (Las Vegas); los linieros ofensivos BRIAN BULAGA (L.A. Chargers), JACK CONKLIN (Cleveland) y RUSSELL OKUNG (Carolina); el ala defensiva CALAIS CAMPBELL (Baltimore); los tackles defensivos DEFOREST BUCKNER (Indianapolis) y JURRELL CASEY (Denver); los apoyadores CORY LITTLETON (Las Vegas) y KYLE VAN NOY (Miami); los esquineros BYRON JONES (Miami) y DARIUS SLAY (Philadelphia); y los profundos JAMAL ADAMS(Seattle) y MALCOLM JENKINS (New Orleans).
  • ESTRELLAS JÓVENES ENTRAN EN ESCENA. La temporada pasada, cuatro novatos –el de San Francisco NICK BOSA, el de Jacksonville JOSH ALLEN, el de Kansas City MECOLE HARDMAN y el de New Orleans DEONTE HARRIS– lograron honores de Pro Bowl en sus primera temporada. ¿Quién podrá lograr tal hazaña en 2020?

    Cuatro mariscales de campo –el de LSU JOE BURROW (Nº 1 total, Cincinnati), el de Alabama TUA TAGOVAILOA (Nº 5, Miami), el de Oregon JUSTIN HERBERT (Nº 6, L.A. Chargers) y el de Utah State JORDAN LOVE (Nº 26, Green Bay)– fueron seleccionados en la primera vuelta del Sorteo Universitario de la NFL 2020. Al menos un mariscal de campo novato titularizó en la primera semana en 12 temporadas consecutivas, la racha más larga en la NFL desde al menos 1950.

Special to discuss the NFL's history with social justice and plan to create positive change

NBC Sports' Mike Tirico leads discussion with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and NFLPA Executive Director DeMaurice Smith

NEW YORK and Stamford, Conn. (Sept. 8, 2020) – Ahead of 2020 Kickoff, NFL Media and Queen Latifah present the Inspire Change Special, airing this Wednesday, September 9 at 9 p.m. ET on NBC,, and the NBC Sports app. Hosted by Queen Latifah, the one-hour program will highlight the efforts of NFL players, Legends and others in the NFL family to advance social justice and equality.

Through Inspire Change, the NFL has been hard at work over the last few years together with NFL clubs, players and Legends to create positive change in communities across the country. With a focus on the key pillars of Inspire Change - education, economic advancement, police and community relations, and criminal justice reform - the league has provided more than $70 million in social justice grants including national grants to 20 non-profits across the country while supporting local work of NFL clubs and players. The Inspire Change Special will examine how longstanding social injustices and systemic racism have changed how the NFL approaches social responsibility, community outreach, and civic engagement led by NFL players while lifting the voices of the players themselves.

The Inspire Change Special will include:

  • An original poem by Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Tyler Lockett featuring voices of players such as New York Giants running back Saquon Barkley, Los Angeles Rams cornerback Jalen Ramsey, and more.
  • NBC Sports' Mike Tirico-led discussion with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and NFLPA Executive Director DeMaurice Smith.
  • A discussion with NFL Network's Steve Wyche and the Los Angeles Chargers
  • A snippet of the league's new Say Their Stories series and an interview with New Orleans Saints running back Alvin Kamara about this season's efforts to honor victims of systemic racism and social justice heroes
  • An interview with Players Coalition task force members Arizona Cardinals offensive tackle Kelvin Beachum and New England Patriots free safety Devin McCourty, hosted by Andrea Kremer
  • An essay written by Arizona Cardinals wide receiver Larry Fitzgerald on the importance of exercising your right to vote in honor of the late Congressman John Lewis

NFL Network will re-air the Inspire Change Special on Friday, September 18 at 10 p.m. ET. The interview with Tirico, Goodell, and Smith will also be available on following Wednesday night's broadcast on NBC.


The National Football League and NFL Players Association today announced the COVID-19 monitoring testing results for August 30– September 5.

During this period, players and Tier 1 and 2 personnel were tested daily. Tier 3 individuals were tested weekly. Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 follow the joint NFL-NFLPA Treatment Protocol. They are immediately isolated, not permitted access club facilities, or have direct contact with players or personnel. Club medical staff are in regular communication with individuals who test positive to monitor symptoms.

Monitoring Testing results for August 30 – September 5:   

  • 44,510 tests were administered to a total of 8,349 players and team personnel.
  • 17,519 tests were administered to 2,641 players; 26,991 tests were administered to 5,708 personnel.
  • There was one new confirmed positive test among players and seven new confirmed positives among other personnel. 
Week 1 NFL Preview


The NFL returns this week and it’s time to get back to football. Kickoff Weekend signals the start of a 256-game journey, one that promises hope for each of the league’s 32 teams as they set their sights on Super Bowl LV, which will be played on Sunday, February 7, 2021 at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, FL. The 101st season of NFL play kicks off on Thursday night (NBC, 8:20 PM ET) as the Super Bowl champion KANSAS CITY CHIEFS host the HOUSTON TEXANS at Arrowhead Stadium in a rematch of the 2019 AFC Divisional Playoffs.

High scoring and close games are a hallmark of the NFL. In 2020, the league is building off one of the most prolific and competitive seasons in league history.​

Last year, teams combined to score 1,244 offensive touchdowns (rushing and passing touchdowns combined), the second-most in a single season in NFL history, and 1,332 total touchdowns, the third-highest total in a single season in league annals. Additionally, 68 percent of games (174 of 256) were within one score (eight points) in the fourth quarter last season, tied for the fifth-most such games in a single season in NFL history, while 52.3 percent of games (134 of 256) were decided by eight-or-fewer points, the fifth-most such games in a single season.

Last season, a wave of young stars burst onto the scene, especially at the quarterback position. The 2019 season saw 208 games feature at least one starting quarterback under the age of 27, the most in a single season in NFL history. In total, quarterbacks under the age of 27 started 287 games and recorded 144 wins in those starts last season, both the highest single-season totals since 1970.

Three quarterbacks under the age of 25 – Baltimore’s LAMAR JACKSON (2018 NFL Draft), Kansas City’s PATRICK MAHOMES (2017 NFL Draft) and Houston’s DESHAUN WATSON (2017 NFL Draft) – have led their respective teams to division titles in each of the past two seasons.

The 2020 season will be filled with memorable moments, as young players emerge, familiar faces continue their climb up the record books and teams vie to make their mark in the postseason. Every team enters the season with hope and a trip to Tampa Bay for Super Bowl LV in mind. Below are a few reasons why.​

  • THE FIELD IS OPEN: New in 2020, the NFL adopted a 14-team playoff format, with two additional Wild Card teams – one each in the American and National Football Conferences – qualifying for the postseason. Since 1990, when the NFL adopted the 12-team playoff format, at least four teams every season have qualified for the playoffs after failing to make the postseason the year before. Last season, five teams that missed the postseason in 2018 – Buffalo (10-6), Green Bay (13-3), Minnesota (10-6), San Francisco (13-3) and Tennessee (9-7) – qualified for the playoffs.

    Both Green Bay (NFC North) and San Francisco (NFC West) won their divisions last year after missing the postseason in 2018 and at least two teams have won their divisions the season after missing the playoffs in 16 of the past 17 years

    In 15 of the past 17 seasons, at least one team finished in first place in its division the season after finishing in last or tied for last place. In fact, of the 48 teams in league history to go from “worst-to-first,” 25 of them have done so in the past 17 years (2003-19), including an NFL-record three such teams in 2005 and 2006. Two teams during that span, the 2009 New Orleans Saints and the 2017 Philadelphia Eagles, won the Super Bowl after finishing in last place in their divisions the season before.

  • WILL THE CHIEFS REPEAT AS SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS? Fresh off their first Super Bowl in 50 years, the Chiefs begin their quest to repeat as champions. Only eight teams have repeated as champions since the first Super Bowl in 1967, with the 2004 Patriots (Super Bowls XXXVIII and XXXIX) being the last team to accomplish the feat.

  • RECORDS WITHIN REACH: New Orleans quarterback DREW BREES (77,416 passing yards and 547 touchdown passes) enters the 2020 season as the league’s all-time leader in both categories, while Tampa Bay’s TOM BRADY (74,571 passing yards and 541 touchdown passes) ranks second … Brady (283 regular-season starts) can surpass Pro Football Hall of Famer BRETT FAVRE (298) for the most starts by a quarterback in NFL history … Indianapolis quarterback PHILIP RIVERS (59,271 passing yards and 397 touchdown passes) can surpass Pro Football Hall of Famer DAN MARINO (61,361 passing yards and 420 touchdown passes) for fifth in each all-time category … Green Bay quarterback AARON RODGERS (46,946 passing yards) can become the 11th player in league annals with 50,000 career passing yards … New York Jets running back FRANK GORE (15,347 rushing yards and 19,243 scrimmage yards) can become the third player in NFL history with 16,000 career rushing yards and fourth player with 20,000 career scrimmage yards … Detroit running back ADRIAN PETERSON (14,216 rushing yards) can surpass Pro Football Hall of Famer BARRY SANDERS (15,269 rushing yards) for fourth-most in league annals … Peterson (111 rushing touchdowns) can become the fourth player in NFL history with 120 career rushing touchdowns … Arizona wide receiver LARRY FITZGERALD enters 2020 ranked second all-time in receptions (1,378) and receiving yards (17,083) … Fitzgerald (120 touchdown receptions) can surpass Pro Football Hall of Famer MARVIN HARRISON (128) for the fifth-most touchdown receptions in NFL history … Las Vegas tight end JASON WITTEN (1,215 receptions) can become the fourth player in league annals with 1,300 career receptions.

  • FAMILIAR FACES IN NEW PLACES: Five teams enter the 2020 season with a new head coach – JOE JUDGE with the New York Giants, MIKE MCCARTHY with Dallas, MATT RHULE with Carolina, RON RIVERA with Washington and KEVIN STEFANKSI with Cleveland.

    Five rookie head coaches have led their teams to the playoffs over the past three seasons: MATT LAFLEUR (Green Bay) in 2019, MATT NAGY (Chicago) and FRANK REICH (Indianapolis) in 2018, and SEAN MCVAY (L.A. Rams) and SEAN MCDERMOTT (Buffalo) in 2017.

    Several notable players were on the move during the offseason, including quarterbacks TOM BRADY (Tampa Bay) and PHILIP RIVERS (Indianapolis); running backs MELVIN GORDON (Denver) and TODD GURLEY (Atlanta); wide receivers STEFON DIGGS (Buffalo) and DEANDRE HOPKINS (Arizona); tight ends AUSTIN HOOPER (Cleveland) and JASON WITTEN (Las Vegas); offensive linemen BRIAN BULAGA (L.A. Chargers), JACK CONKLIN (Cleveland) and RUSSELL OKUNG (Carolina); defensive end CALAIS CAMPBELL (Baltimore); defensive tackles DEFOREST BUCKNER (Indianapolis) and JURRELL CASEY (Denver); linebackers CORY LITTLETON (Las Vegas) and KYLE VAN NOY (Miami); cornerbacks BYRON JONES (Miami) and DARIUS SLAY (Philadelphia); and safeties JAMAL ADAMS (Seattle) and MALCOLM JENKINS (New Orleans).

  • YOUNG STARS TAKE THE STAGE: Last season, four rookies – San Francisco’s NICK BOSA, Jacksonville’s JOSH ALLEN, Kansas City’s MECOLE HARDMAN and New Orleans’ DEONTE HARRIS – earned Pro Bowl honors in their first season. Who could accomplish the feat in 2020?

    Four quarterbacks – LSU’s JOE BURROW (No. 1 overall, Cincinnati), Alabama’s TUA TAGOVAILOA (No. 5, Miami), Oregon’s JUSTIN HERBERT (No. 6, L.A. Chargers) and Utah State’s JORDAN LOVE (No. 26, Green Bay) – were selected in the first round of the 2020 NFL Draft. At least one rookie quarterback has started in Week 1 in 12 consecutive seasons, the longest streak in the NFL since at least 1950.

NEW YORK, NY [September 8, 2020] - The NFL kicks off the league's second century with "2020 NFL KICKOFF PRESENTED BY EA SPORTS MADDEN NFL 21" at 7:00 PM ET on Thursday, September 10. Welcoming fans back to football for the 101st season, coverage begins with the NFL Kickoff Special at 7 PM ET on NBC. Super Bowl LIV Champions, the Kansas City Chiefs will host the Houston Texans at Arrowhead Stadium beginning at 8:20 PM ET.

The season opener will feature two of the best young quarterbacks in the game, Kansas City's PATRICK MAHOMES, the Most Valuable Player of Super Bowl LIV and Houston's DESHAUN WATSON, who have both led their respective teams to division titles in each of the past two seasons. In the 2019 AFC Divisional Round, Kansas City defeated Houston, 51-31, after trailing 24-0, becoming the first team in NFL history to win a playoff game by at least 20 points after trailing in that game by at least 20 points. Last season, Kansas City overcame a 10-point fourth quarter deficit to win Super Bowl LIV.

The 2020 Kickoff will celebrate the return of football and will also recognize an unprecedented offseason and honor the historic social justice movement and community engagement of our players and clubs across the country. Through the Inspire Change platform, the NFL will continue its long-term commitment to working in communities to bring about positive change. 

On Thursday, September 10, the NFL produced KICKOFF LIVESTREAM "IT TAKES ALL OF US" PRESENTED BY EA SPORTS MADDEN NFL 21 will celebrate the start of the season and consist of features of the Kansas City Chiefs community impact, Inspire Change and a 2020 season preview. The livestream will run across NFL social channels including - Facebook, Twitter, YouTube,, Twitch and TikTok beginning at 7:05 PM ET.

A special rendition of LIFT EVERY VOICE AND SING will be featured during NBC's pregame coverage and will be celebrated throughout Kickoff Weekend. These features will serve to educate on the history of the song and highlight the work of NFL players in their communities. "Lift Every Voice and Sing," a song of inspiration and unity, was first written as a poem by James Weldon Johnson in 1900, and performed in Jacksonville, FL by a chorus of 500 children in honor of President Abraham Lincoln's birthday.  The poem was set to music by Johnson's brother, John Rosamond Johnson, and soon adopted by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) as its official song and a celebration of faith and hope to become known as the Black National Anthem.

To honor the kickoff of an extraordinary season, the league's newest brand campaign, "IT TAKES ALL OF US" will leverage the scale and power of the NFL to unite our country. "It Takes All of Us" will debut with a :90-second film that will air before a special performance of the National Anthem. The season-long campaign will connect all league causes beginning with social justice and honoring those on the frontlines of COVID-19. For the duration of Week 1, all NFL fields will feature end zone stencils with the words "It Takes All of Us" and "End Racism."

This season, NFL players, coaches, and officials have the opportunity to honor victims of systemic racism, victims of police brutality, and social justice heroes with helmet stickers and patches. Over 1400 players and 300 coaches and officials selected names or phrases, which included It Takes All of Us; End Racism; Stop Hate; and Black Lives Matter. Additionally, players have the option to wear a warmup tee with the unifying messages Injustice Against One of Us, Is Injustice Against All of Us (front of tee) and END RACISM (back of tee).

In addition to the live telecast of NFL Kickoff on NBC, the game will be streamed live across all devices via, the NBC Sports app,, and the NFL app.  Additionally, fans on mobile devices can stream the game via the Texans and Chiefs mobile properties, Yahoo Sports, and other Verizon Media and NFL properties. Audio coverage of the game will be provided by Westwood One Radio, SiriusXM and the TuneIn app.

AL MICHAELS will call the action alongside CRIS COLLINSWORTH. MICHELE TAFOYA will report from Arrowhead Stadium. Three-time Super Bowl referee TERRY MCAULAY is the Sunday Night Football rules analyst.

2020 NFL KICKOFF PRESENTED BY EA SPORTS MADDEN NFL 21 will be executive produced by Emmy Award winning, RICKY KIRSHNER.

In addition to presenting sponsor EA Sports Madden NFL 21, top-tier sponsors for NFL Kickoff include Bose, Bud Light, Microsoft, Pepsi, Pizza Hut, SNICKERS and Verizon.

Sponsors including Pepsi and Microsoft are getting involved in enhancing the at-home fan experience. Wednesday, September 9 at 10 PM ET, fans can tune in to "Kickoff Eve Presented by Pepsi" on NFL Network. Microsoft Teams is working to power Fan Mosaics that will integrate live fans into the broadcast of select games throughout Kickoff Weekend.



9/5/2002Times Square, New YorkCBS, MTV, VH1 and ESPNBon Jovi, Enrique Iglesias, Alicia Keys, Eve, Cast of Broadway musical Rent with Joey Fatone of NSYNCSan Francisco at NY Giants (ESPN)
9/4/2003The National Mall, Washington, DCABCAerosmith, Mary J. Blige, Aretha Franklin, Britney Spears, Good CharlotteNY Jets at Washington (ABC)
9/9/2004Gillette Stadium, New England/ Metropolitan Park, JacksonvilleABCBoston Pops, Mary J. Blige, Destiny's Child, Elton John, Toby Keith, Lenny Kravitz (NE); Jessica Simpson (Jax.)Indianapolis at New England (ABC)
9/8/2005Gillette Stadium, New England/ Los Angeles Coliseum, LA/DetroitABCGreen Day, Santana, Michelle Branch, Ozzy Osbourne, Trisha Yearwood (NE); Kanye West, Maroon 5, Good Charlotte, Rihanna (LA); Rolling Stones (taped from Detroit)Oakland at New England (ABC)
9/7/2006Heinz Field, Pittsburgh/MiamiNBCRascal Flatts, Martina McBride (Anthem) (Pitt.); Diddy, Cassie, Yung Joc, Tego Calderon (Miami)Miami at Pittsburgh (NBC)
9/6/2007Monument Circle/RCA Dome, IndianapolisNBC, NFLNJohn Mellencamp, Faith Hill, Kelly Clarkson, Hinder, Keyshia Cole & Voices of Unity Youth Choir (Anthem)New Orleans at Indianapolis (NBC)
9/4/2008Columbus Circle, New York City/Giants Stadium, New JerseyNFLN, NBCNatasha Bedingfield, Keith Urban, UsherWashington at New York Giants (NBC)
9/10/2009Point State Park/Heinz Field, PittsburghNFLN, NBCTim McGraw, The Black Eyed Peas, Harry Connick Jr. (Anthem)Tennessee at Pittsburgh (NBC)
9/9/2010Jackson Square (Parade & Concert) /Superdome, New OrleansNFLN, NBCDave Matthews Band, Taylor Swift, Harry Connick Jr., Colbie Caillat (Anthem)Minnesota at New Orleans (NBC)

Lambeau Field,

Green Bay

NFLN, NBCKid Rock, Lady Antebellum, Maroon 5New Orleans at Green Bay (NBC)
9/5/2012Rockefeller Center, New York / MetLife Stadium, New JerseyNFLN, NBCMariah Carey, No DoubtDallas at New York Giants (NBC)
9/5/2013Baltimore Inner Harbor/ Sports Authority Field at Mile High, DenverNFLN, NBCKeith Urban, Danielle Bradbery (Anthem)

Baltimore at Denver


9/4/2014CenturyLink Field, SeattleNFLN, NBCPharrell Williams, Soundgarden, Ariana Grande (Anthem)Green Bay at Seattle (NBC)
9/10/2015Gillette Stadium, New EnglandNFLN, NBCEllie Goulding, TrainPittsburgh at New England (NBC)
9/8/2016Civic Center Park, DenverNFLN, NBCDierks Bentley, OneRepublic, Andra Day (Anthem)Carolina at Denver (NBC)
9/7/2017Christopher Columbus Park, Boston / Gillette Stadium, New EnglandNFLN, NBCGuster, Flo Rida, Maren Morris (Anthem)Kansas City at New England (NBC)
9/6/2018Penn's Landing, Philadelphia / Lincoln Financial Field, PhiladelphiaNFLN, NBCShawn MendesAtlanta at Philadelphia (NBC)

9/5/2019Grant Park, Chicago / Soldier Field, ChicagoNFLN, NBCMeghan Trainor, Rhapsody, Meek MillGreen Bay at Chicago (NBC)
9/10/20Kansas City / Arrowhead StadiumNFLN, NBCTO BE ANNOUNCEDHouston at Kansas City (NBC)


# # #


SUPER STARTERSHistory indicates that the best way for a team to start its drive toward a Super Bowl cham​pionship is to win in Week 1.​

The 54 Super Bowl winners have a 44-9-1 record in the Kickoff Weekend games of their title seasonsThe Super Bowl LIV champion KANSAS CITY CHIEFS, who host Houston in the NFL’s annual primetime kickoff game on Thursday (8:20 PM ET, NBC), have won their past five Kickoff Weekend games, the longest active streak in the AFC and tied for the longest active streak in the NFL (Green Bay).

Since 1978 when the NFL went to the 16-game schedule, and excluding the abbreviated season of 1982, teams that are victorious in their season-openers are more than twice as likely to reach the playoffs than losers of an opening game:

  • Of the 617 teams that won openers…322 went to the playoffs (196 won division titles).
  • Of the 616 teams that lost openers…148 went to the playoffs (86 won division titles).

    ​Note: There are a different number of winning and losing teams in season-opening games due to the fact the NFL had 31 teams in each season from 1999-2001, which creates an odd number for the total number of results.

    In 2019, the 12 playoff teams compiled an 11-1 record on Kickoff Weekend and all four participants in the conference championships – Green Bay, Kansas City, San Francisco and Tennessee – were victorious in Week 1.

    -- NFL --

STARTING STREAKSThe Chiefs aren’t the only team to have excelled in openers. Below is a sampling of other notable active NFL Kickoff milestones and streaks:

  • The defending AFC North champion BALTIMORE RAVENS, who host the CLEVELAND BROWNS on Sunday (1:00 PM ET, CBS), have won their last four Kickoff Weekend games, the AFC’s second-longest active streak.
  • The GREEN BAY PACKERS open their season on the road against the MINNESOTA VIKINGS on Sunday (1:00 PM ET, FOX). The Packers have won 57 games on Kickoff Weekend, the most in the NFL. Green Bay has won its past five Kickoff Weekend games while the Vikings enter the 2020 season having won their past four openers.

  • The DALLAS COWBOYS visit the LOS ANGELES RAMS on Sunday Night Football in Week 1 (8:20 PM ET, NBC). With a winning percentage of .661 (39-20-1), the Cowboys own the best Kickoff Weekend winning percentage in the NFC.
  • In the first of two Monday Night Football games on Kickoff Weekend, the NEW YORK GIANTS host the PITTSBURGH STEELERS (7:10 PM ET, ESPN). The Giants have 50 wins on Kickoff Weekend, third-most among all teams, while Pittsburgh’s 43 wins are the most among AFC teams.

  • The DENVER BRONCOS, who begin the season by hosting the TENNESSEE TITANS in the second Monday Night Football contest (10:20 PM ET, ESPN), have also posted a .661 winning percentage (39-20-1) on Kickoff Weekend, the top mark in the AFC. Denver has won seven of its past eight Kickoff Weekend games.

*From 1920-71, tie games were not included in winning percentage

-- NFL --

START ME UPSome players have excelled in openers. Below is a sampling of notable individual performances on NFL Kickoff Weekend:

  • New Orleans quarterback DREW BREES has 39 touchdown passes in 18 career Week 1 games, while Tampa Bay quarterback TOM BRADY has 37 touchdown passes in 17 career Kickoff Weekend games. The two rank first and second in NFL history, respectively, in career touchdown passes on Kickoff Weekend and face off this Sunday (4:25 PM ET, FOX). 

    Brees also leads all players with 5,406 career passing yards on Kickoff Weekend, while Brady ranks third with 4,693. With at least 44 passing yards on Sunday, Brady will surpass PEYTON MANNING (4,736) for second place on the all-time list.
  • Detroit running back ADRIAN PETERSON has 999 rushing yards in 12 career season-opening games and needs one rushing yard on Sunday against Chicago (1:00 PM ET, FOX) to become the fifth player with at least 1,000 rushing yards in season-opening games, joining Pro Football Hall of Famers EMMITT SMITH (1,247), WALTER PAYTON (1,067), EDGERRIN JAMES (1,062) and JIM BROWN (1,043).

    Peterson also enters the season with nine career rushing touchdowns on Kickoff Weekend and needs one more to join Pro Football Hall of Famer MARCUS ALLEN (12), CHUCK MUNCIE (11) and PRIEST HOLMES (10) as the only players in NFL history with at least 10 rushing touchdowns in season-opening games.

  • Arizona wide receiver LARRY FITZGERALD, who recorded eight catches for 113 yards and a touchdown on Kickoff Weekend in 2019, has 92 receptions in 16 career Kickoff Weekend games, tied for the most all-time. With at least one reception on Sunday at San Francisco (4:25 PM ET, FOX), Fitzgerald will surpass Pro Football Hall of Famer JERRY RICE (92 receptions) for the most career receptions in season-opening games in NFL history.

    Fitzgerald has 1,181 receiving yards in Week 1 games and with at least 45 receiving yards on Sunday can surpass Pro Football Hall of Famers RANDY MOSS (1,194) and ANDRE REED (1,225) for the second-most in NFL history. Rice has the most receiving yards on Kickoff Weekend with 1,385.
  • Philadelphia wide receiver DESEAN JACKSON, who had 154 receiving yards on Kickoff Weekend in 2019, has six career games with at least 100 yards receiving in Week 1, tied for the most all-time. With at least 100 receiving yards against Washington on Sunday (1:00 PM ET, FOX), Jackson would surpass Pro Football Hall of Famer MICHAEL IRVIN (six) for the most 100-yard receiving games on Kickoff Weekend in NFL history.

-- NFL --

START ’EM EARLY: Cincinnati rookie quarterback JOE BURROW, the No. 1 overall selection in the 2020 NFL Draft, is expected to make his first career start against the Los Angeles Chargers on Sunday (4:05 PM ET, CBS). With a start by Burrow, at least one rookie quarterback will have started in Week 1 in 13 consecutive seasons, the longest streak in the NFL since at least 1950.

The rookie quarterbacks to start in Week 1 since 2008:






Joe Flacco




Matt Ryan




Mark Sanchez

New York Jets



Matthew Stafford*




Sam Bradford*

St. Louis Rams



Andy Dalton




Cam Newton*




Robert Griffin III




Andrew Luck*




Ryan Tannehill




Brandon Weeden




Russell Wilson




EJ Manuel




Geno Smith

New York Jets



Derek Carr

Oakland Raiders



Marcus Mariota




Jameis Winston*

Tampa Bay



Dak Prescott




Carson Wentz




DeShone Kizer




Sam Darnold

New York Jets



Kyler Murray*




Joe Burrow*^



*No. 1 overall pick

^Expected to start Week 1


-- NFL --

BRADY & BREES: Quarterbacks TOM BRADY and DREW BREES will face off as division rivals for the first time, as Tampa Bay travels to New Orleans on Sunday (4:25 PM ET, FOX). Brady (age 43) and Brees (41) are the two oldest active players in the NFL, and Sunday’s meeting will be the first in league history between two starting quarterbacks both age 40 or older.

The pair enter the 2020 season as the league’s top-two all-time leaders in passing yards and touchdown passes. Their Week 1 meeting marks the first game since at least 1950 between the league’s top-two all-time leaders in touchdown passes. ​

The players with the most career passing yards in NFL history:​




Drew Brees

San Diego, New Orleans


Tom Brady

New England


Peyton Manning

Indianapolis, Denver



The players with the most career touchdown passes in NFL history:




Drew Brees

San Diego, New Orleans


Tom Brady

New England


Peyton Manning

Indianapolis, Denver


With at least two touchdown passes on Sunday, Brees (165 games) will surpass PEYTON MANNING for the second-most such games in NFL history, trailing only Brady (173). With at least three touchdown passes, Brees (93 games) will surpass Manning for the most such games in league annals. Brady enters the season third on the all-time list with 86 games with at least three touchdown passes. ​

The players with the most career games with at least two touchdown passes in NFL history:




Tom Brady

New England


Drew Brees

San Diego, New Orleans


Peyton Manning

Indianapolis, Denver


The players with the most career games with at least three touchdown passes in NFL history
: ​




Drew Brees

San Diego, New Orleans


Peyton Manning

Denver, Indianapolis


Tom Brady

New England


If Brees records a passer rating of 125 or higher, he would also surpass Manning (50 games) for the most such games in NFL history.

Other career passing milestones that can be reached in Week 1:

  • With at least three touchdown passes on Sunday at Jacksonville (1:00 PM ET, CBS), Indianapolis quarterback PHILIP RIVERS (397 career touchdown passes) can become the sixth player with 400 career touchdown passes in NFL history.

  • With at least 290 passing yards on Sunday against Seattle (1:00 PM ET, FOX), Atlanta quarterback MATT RYAN (51,186 career passing yards) can surpass Pro Football Hall of Famer JOHN ELWAY (51,475) for ninth place on the league’s all-time list.

  • With at least 58 passing yards on Sunday at Minnesota (1:00 PM ET, FOX), Green Bay quarterback AARON RODGERS (46,946 career passing yards) can surpass Pro Football Hall of Famer FRAN TARKENTON (47,003) for 12th place on the all-time list.

  • With at least 266 passing yards on Sunday at Atlanta (1:00 PM ET, FOX), Seattle quarterback RUSSELL WILSON can reach 30,000 career passing yards, becoming the 11th player to do so in his first nine seasons in league history.

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RUSHING INTO THE RECORD BOOKS: Baltimore quarterback LAMAR JACKSON became the youngest quarterback to win league MVP in NFL history last season after leading the league with 36 touchdown passes and rushing for 1,206 yards, the most rushing yards by a quarterback in a single season in NFL history.

Jackson had five games with at least 100 rushing yards last season, the most by a quarterback in a single season in NFL history, and enters 2020 with 1,901 career rushing yards through his first two seasons.

With at least 132 rushing yards on Sunday against Cleveland (1:00 PM ET, CBS), Jackson can surpass CAM NEWTON (2,032 rushing yards) for the most rushing yards by a quarterback in his first three seasons in NFL history.​

The quarterbacks with the most rushing yards in their first three seasons in NFL history:




Cam Newton



Lamar Jackson



Russell Wilson



*Entering third season



​-- NFL --​

RECEPTIONS LEADER: New Orleans wide receiver MICHAEL THOMAS led the NFL with 149 receptions for 1,725 receiving yards last season, surpassing Pro Football Hall of Famer MARVIN HARRISON (143 receptions in 2002) for the most receptions in a single season in NFL history. He also registered nine games with at least 10 receptions, the most in a single season in league annals.

Thomas enters his fifth NFL season with 470 career receptions and needs at least 12 receptions on Sunday against Tampa Bay (4:25 ET, FOX) to surpass JARVIS LANDRY (481 receptions) for the most receptions by a player in his first five seasons in NFL history.

The players with the most receptions in their first five seasons in NFL history:




Jarvis Landry

Miami, Cleveland


Michael Thomas

New Orleans


Larry Fitzgerald



*Entering fifth season​

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CLOSING IN ON 800: Atlanta wide receiver JULIO JONES has 797 receptions for 12,125 yards and 57 touchdowns in 126 career games.

Jones needs three receptions on Sunday against Seattle (1:00 PM ET, FOX) to become the second-fastest player to reach 800 receptions in NFL history.​

The players to reach 800 career receptions in the fewest games in NFL history:​




Antonio Brown



Marvin HarrisonHOF



Andre Johnson






Julio Jones



*Has 797 receptions entering Sunday

-- NFL --

ROOKIES NO MORE: The 2019 Associated Press Offensive Rookie of the Year, Arizona quarterback KYLER MURRAY, and the 2019 Associated Press Defensive Rookie of the Year, San Francisco defensive lineman NICK BOSA, will meet each other in Week 1, when the 49ers host the Cardinals on​ Sunday (4:25 PM ET, FOX).

It will mark the third time in NFL history that the two reigning Rookies of the Year will meet on Kickoff Weekend. New England running back JOHN STEPHENS and New York Jets defensive back ERIK MCMILLAN met in Week 1 of the 1989 season, while San Diego Chargers running back DON WOODS and Pittsburgh Pro Football Hall of Fame linebacker JACK LAMBERT met in the season opening game in 1975.

The Kickoff Weekend matchups featuring the reigning Associated Press Offensive and Defensive Rookies of the Year in NFL history:​






QB Kyler Murray (Arizona)

DL Nick Bosa (San Francisco)



RB John Stephens (New England)

DB Erik McMillan (NY Jets)

NE 27, NYJ 24


RB Don Woods (San Diego)

LB Jack LambertHOF (Pittsburgh)

PIT 37, SD 0


'America's Game 2019 Chiefs' and 'Time's Yours' Premiere Wednesday, September 9 on NFL Network

'America's Game: 2019 Chiefs' Premieres at 8:00 PM ET​

'Time's Yours: Andy Reid & the 2019 Chiefs' Premieres at 9:00 PM ET

Actors & Chiefs Fans Paul Rudd and Eric Stonestreet Narrate

The night before the 2020 NFL regular season kicks off, NFL Network celebrates the defending Super Bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs with a pair of documentary features.

On Wednesday, September 9America's Game: 2019 Chiefs premieres at 8:00 PM ET, followed by Time's Yours: Andy Reid and the 2019 Chiefs at 9:00 PM ET.


America's Game: 2019 Chiefs

At 8:00 PM ETAmerica's Game: 2019 Chiefs premieres, featuring in-depth interviews with Patrick MahomesTyrann Mathieu and Travis Kelce telling the story of the Super Bowl LIV champion Kansas City Chiefs.

Narrated by actor and Chiefs fan, Paul RuddAmerica's Game delves deep into the Chiefs' first Super Bowl title in 50 years. In the hour-long show, Mahomes, Mathieu and Kelce recount the season in their own words.

Among the topics discussed in America's Game: 2019 Chiefs:

  • Tyrann Mathieu joining the Kansas City Chiefs and becoming a leader for the defense

  • Overcoming a 24-0 deficit in the AFC Divisional Round game against the Houston Texans

  • Breakdown of critical Super Bowl LIV plays such as "Rose Bowl Right Parade" and "Jet Chip Wasp"

  • The importance of winning a Super Bowl for head coach Andy Reid

This year's edition of America's Game is the 54th episode of the long-running special which celebrates the Super Bowl champions.

Provided below are select quotes from America's Game: 2019 Chiefs:

"I was just so happy for Coach Reid. For me, it was about getting him that trophy and winning that championship first. It's a cool story that I'll be able to tell forever, but I'm still at the beginning of my career and I'm still trying to go out there and get more." – Patrick Mahomes on winning the Super Bowl and being named Super Bowl LIV MVP

"I felt like at that moment, the whole world knew that the Kansas City Chiefs actually do play defense." – Tyrann Mathieu on Super Bowl LIV

"This team, everybody's linked together forever…It's been amazing, to go from where we started to Super Bowl Champions, Coach Reid set that standard." – Travis Kelce on being Super Bowl Champions

"What a play. I don't think any other quarterback, coach and wide receiver could have pulled that off. It was the perfect trio at the perfect time." – Tyrann Mathieu on the play "Jet Chip Wasp"

"At that point in the game, for him to pull something out of his hat like a magic trick, that's something the NFL hadn't seen of him yet, to be able to make a play on his feet like that in arguably the biggest game of his career at that point. It was pretty special." – Travis Kelce on Patrick Mahomes' run in the AFC Championship Game

"We had it in every single game plan and practiced it every single week of the entire year and never ran it. So, I'm like we're never going to run this play. Of course, we get in the perfect situation in the Super Bowl, and we shift and we run it." – Patrick Mahomes on the play "Rose Bowl Right Parade"

"Up until that point, I still hadn't gotten comfortable in the system. I can remember Coach [Steve Spagnuolo] personally challenging me, challenging all of his leaders on defense to turn it up…I truly believe that Mexico City [Week 11 vs. Los Angeles Chargers] was the start of the push for us defensively." – Tyrann Mathieu on the Chiefs' defensive struggles

"I looked down and my knee is in the side of my leg. I was on the ground just kind of sitting there, season flashing before my eyes like, 'Man, I'm about to be out for the season.'" – Patrick Mahomes on his knee injury in Week 7


Time's Yours: Andy Reid and the 2019 Chiefs

At 9:00 PM ETTime's Yours: Andy Reid and the 2019 Chiefs premieres on NFL Network, providing a detailed and close-up look at the Kansas City Chiefs' first Super Bowl title in 50 years from the coaches' perspective.

In the hour-long show narrated by actor and Chiefs fan, Eric Stonestreet, Chiefs head coach Andy Reid, offensive coordinator Eric Bieniemy and defensive coordinator Steve Spagnuolo break down the team's entire 2019 season on the way to Super Bowl LIV.

Among the topics discussed in Time's Yours include:

  • Andy Reid's 14 years as head coach of the Philadelphia Eagles
  • The selection of quarterback Patrick Mahomes in the 2017 NFL Draft

  • Detailed look at the entire 2019 regular season for the Kansas City Chiefs, who finished as the No. 2 seed in the AFC

  • Overcoming double-digit deficits against the Houston Texans and Tennessee Titans to advance to Super Bowl LIV

  • Breakdown of plays "Rose Bowl Right Parade" and "Jet Chip Wasp" in Super Bowl LIV​

Provided below are select quotes from Time's Yours:

- "It was exciting. I know this is corny, but I enjoy every moment I have to coach in the NFL." – Andy Reid on winning Super Bowl LIV

"The goal is to win the Super Bowl. We had an opportunity the year before to accomplish that and we came up short; we didn't find a way to finish." – Eric Bieniemy on the team's mindset at the start of the 2019 season

- "I'm certain if everybody was being honest with you, in the back of their mind when it happened we're all saying, 'OK, it's time for us to strap it up.'" – Steve Spagnuolo on the defensive mindset following Patrick Mahomes' injury in Week 7

- "I can tell you this, it wasn't to be down 24 points. You never draw up a gameplan, 'Hey, we're going to spot them 24 points and just come back from there.'" – Eric Bieniemy on the gameplan for the AFC Divisional Round game vs. the Houston Texans

"I never felt like our guys starting reeling. Defensively, we know we have an explosive offense. But we also know that the hill just got really steep." – Steve Spagnuolo on the AFC Divisional Round game vs. the Houston Texans

"We ended up creating a little Rose Bowl package and we worked that particular play for a long time. It was probably our most practiced play that we had all season long." – Eric Bieniemy on the play "Rose Bowl Right Parade"

- "Brett Veach wore me out with this guy. He kept bringing us clips of him playing. I said, 'You have to back off man, I can't do that and try to get this team ready.'" – Andy Reid on Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes

"He turned it around by basically bringing his energy. They needed a different energy within that building just to pick them up because the talent is there." – Eric Bieniemy on Andy Reid joining the Chiefs



NFL Media is comprised of NFL Network, NFL Films,, the NFL app and NFL RedZone.

Seven days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, fans turn to NFL Network to receive information and insight straight from the field, team headquarters, league offices and everywhere the NFL is making news. Launched in 2003, NFL Network gives fans unprecedented year-round inside access to all NFL events, including the Super Bowl, Playoffs, regular season, preseason, Pro Bowl, Pro Football Hall of Fame induction weekend, NFL Draft, NFL Scouting Combine, Senior Bowl, league meetings, minicamps and training camps.

For fans on the go, all NFL Network programming can be streamed live through the NFL and NFL Network apps on smartphones, tablets, PCs and connected TV devices (Amazon Fire TV, Android TV, Apple TV, PlayStation 4, Roku and Xbox One). Access is available for NFL Network subscribers of participating TV providers. For more information, go to For NFL Network audio programming, download the TuneIn app.

NFL Network and YouTube TV Reach New Carriage Agreement


NFL Network and NFL RedZone Now Available on YouTube TV in Advance of 2020 NFL Season


NFL Media and YouTube TV today announced a new carriage agreement to bring NFL Network and NFL RedZone to YouTube TV subscribers just in time for Kickoff of the 2020 NFL season.


NFL Network will be available starting today on YouTube TV as part of the base membership. NFL RedZone will be available as part of YouTube TV's new add-on package, called Sports Plus, also launching today, with host Scott Hanson delivering every touchdown from every game to fans on Sunday afternoons during the NFL regular season starting September 13.


"We are excited to bring NFL Network and NFL RedZone to YouTube TV subscribers, just in time for Kickoff of the NFL's 2020 season," said Hans Schroeder, EVP and Chief Operating Officer of NFL Media. "The opportunity to give NFL Network and NFL RedZone the broadest distribution as possible to our fans remains a top priority for us, so we're pleased to bring our lineup of exclusive live games, informative shows and award-winning content to the YouTube TV channel lineup." 


"Sports fans have been some of our most passionate members since we launched YouTube TV, so we're thrilled to introduce NFL Network to our line-up of more than 85 channels, plus NFL RedZone as part of our new Sports Plus add-on package," said Lori Conkling, Global Head of Partnerships at YouTube TV. "This partnership further demonstrates our commitment to offer a premium portfolio of content to our members."


The addition of NFL Network to YouTube TV's channel lineup brings year-round NFL content to fans including live exclusive gamespopular live studio shows such as Good Morning Football, NFL GameDay Morning, NFL Now and NFL Total Access, plus award-winning original content series such as A Football Life, NFL 360 and America's Game.


The NFL continues to be the most popular content on television with games accounting for 47 of the top 50 shows on television in 2019. Additionally, digital consumption of NFL content is also on the rise, making NFL programming and content availability on platforms like YouTube TV valuable amongst fans.


Coming soon, YouTube TV customers will also have access to both NFL Network and NFL RedZone through and the NFL app on smartphones, tablets, PCs and connected TV devices. 


NFL-NFLPA Statement on Social Justice Initiatives

​​On Tuesday, both the NFL member clubs and the NFLPA Executive Committee met to discuss issues relating to the 2020 season, which will begin in just seven days.  Both parties repeated their commitment to continue working tirelessly to affect positive change as we also prepare together to play a full season.

We also agree that our focus must continue to be on action and have agreed to take the following additional steps in support of our shared commitment to social justice and equality:

  • All NFL, NFLPA and club facilities will be closed on Tuesday, November 3, to ensure that every member of the NFL family has an opportunity to exercise the precious right to vote. 
  • In the days leading up to the election, we will continue to sponsor non-partisan educational programs to ensure that our players, staff, and families know how to register, how to obtain absentee voting material, and are able to vote on Election Day.

  • We will support efforts in our communities to encourage people to vote, including by working with state officials to establish polling places at our stadiums.  We will also identify safe and appropriate ways in which members of the NFL family can assist in election efforts.
  • We will devote the entirety of our one-hour program on NBC next Wednesday, September 9, to providing a platform for our players and allies to discuss the work that we are doing together to advance social justice and equality.  Additional details on this program to be announced at a later date.

  • Clubs and ownership will facilitate meetings between with state and local elected officials and leaders of law enforcement, to discuss steps that can be taken to reduce conflict and improve relations between law enforcement and members of the community.
  • The NFL and NFLPA will work together to support college education for the children of the victims who will be recognized by our players.

These commitments are part of a continuing effort and build on the exceptional work of players and clubs over the past several years. The Players Coalition has led the efforts of players and clubs to engage with leaders at all levels of government to express our perspective on issues like bail and criminal justice reform; promote education reform and economic opportunity in disadvantaged communities; sponsor efforts to improve police-community relations; and sponsor voter education programs, registration drives, and are working to make club facilities available for use on Election Day. Together, we have also provided critical support to hundreds of community and non-profit organizations throughout the country, and more recently made available relief targeted to communities of color that have been disproportionately affected by the coronavirus. 

We are proud of our current and former players for the extraordinary work that they do in our communities. Club-owners, and employees are proud to support and work alongside the players to make our country better, fairer, and more equal.

NFL Foundation Matches New Orleans Saints’ $250,000 Contribution to Hurricane Laura Disaster Relief Efforts

The NFL Foundation announced today that it will match the New Orleans Saints' $250,000 contribution to the American Red Cross to support three different nonprofits – American Red Cross of Louisiana, Community Foundation of Southwest Louisiana and Feeding Louisiana – which are all helping those who have been severely impacted by Hurricane Laura.

All three organizations will address the immediate needs of those throughout Louisiana, specifically focusing on the southwest part of the state which has seen the most devastation in the aftermath of the hurricane.

The NFL encourages fans to text the world LAURA to 90999 to donate $10 to American Red Cross Hurricane Laura relief.

Our thoughts are with the various communities impacted by Hurricane Laura during this difficult time. The entire NFL family – including players, teams, and fans – is committed to continuing to support relief efforts and those in need.

Discovery and Science Channel Team Up with the NFL in All New Special 'NFL Super Stadiums'


The two-hour special premieres September 9 at 8pm ET/PT on Science Channel
and September 12 at 11am ET/PT on Discovery, plus a special encore on NFL Network September 19 at 9pm ET/PT


In Los Angeles, home of Hollywood, showbiz and millions of die-hard sports fans, a team of elite engineers was tasked with building a record-breaking stadium that will put America's biggest sport on the biggest stage in Tinseltown. At an impressive 3.1 million square feet, SoFi Stadium is big enough to house two-high profile NFL teams, the LA Chargers and the LA Rams, boasts the biggest video board in all of sports, and will serve as the future host of Super Bowl LVI and the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the 2028 Olympics.


Together with the NFL, Discovery and Science Channel go behind the scenes to meet the fearless team of engineers who constructed this state-of-the-art stadium, as well as the executives, coaches and players from the Rams and Chargers as they prepare to take the field in their unparalleled new home.


The all-new, two-hour special NFL SUPER STADIUMS premieres the night before NFL Kickoff, Wednesday, September 9 at 8pm ET/PT on Science Channel and Saturday, September 12 at 11am ET/PT on Discovery, the day before the first game at SoFi Stadium, plus an encore on NFL Network Saturday, September 19 at 9pm ET/PT.


In addition to watching NFL SUPER STADIUMS on Science Channel, viewers can join the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #NFLSuperStadiums and following SCIENCE CHANNEL on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram


Built from more than 6.5 million cubic feet of concrete and upwards of 70 thousand tons of steel, LA's SoFi Stadium will not only be home to two NFL teams, but is also equipped to become the next great entertainment landmark, hosting world-renowned music artists and live events. Battling eye-watering heights, neighboring LAX's relentless air traffic and blazing heat, the construction team had only 45 months to complete this incredible project, from groundbreaking until Opening Day. 


With bold designs, such as advanced earthquake-resistant construction that required engineers to build a 20,000 ton steel truss and excavate more than 21 million cubic feet of earth, as well as innovative air channels to direct ocean breezes across the stadiums giant bowl to keep fans cool in the scalding California heat, SoFi Stadium's high profile is matched only by its remarkable, monumental scale.


NFL SUPER STADIUMS offers a never-before-seen look at this record-breaking engineering feat to create another historic monument in the city of angels, and the work of two storied NFL franchises evolving their iconic brands as they usher in this next era of football in Los Angeles.


The special features interviews from a number of voices including: ​

  • Kevin Demoff – Chief Operating Officer, Los Angeles Rams
  • Austin Ekeler – Running Back, Los Angeles Chargers
  • Jason Gannon – Managing Director, SoFi Stadium
  • Derwin James – Safety, Los Angeles Chargers
  • Anthony Lynn – Head Coach, Los Angeles Chargers
  • Fred Maas – Chief of Staff, Los Angeles Chargers
  • Sean McVay – Head Coach, Los Angeles Rams
  • Les Snead – General Manager, Los Angeles Rams
  • A.G. Spanos – President of Business Operations, Los Angeles Chargers
  • Mark Williams – Architect
  • Robert Woods – Wide Receiver, Los Angeles Rams
  • Mollie Wilkie – Creative Director, NFL


NFL SUPER STADIUMS is produced for Science Channel by Windfall Films. For Windfall, Carlo Massarella is executive producer and Tom Cook is series producer. For Science Channel, Lindsey Foster Blumberg is supervising producer. For NFL Media, Bill McCullough is Supervising Producer.


The National Football League and NFL Players Association today announced the COVID-19 monitoring testing results for August 21– August 29.

During this period, players and Tier 1 and 2 personnel were tested daily. Tier 3 individuals were tested weekly. Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 follow the joint NFL-NFLPA Treatment Protocol. They are immediately isolated, not permitted access club facilities, or have direct contact with players or personnel. Club medical staff are in regular communication with individuals who test positive to monitor symptoms.

Monitoring Testing results for August 21 – August 29:   

  • 58,621 tests were administered to a total of 8,739 players and team personnel.
  • 23,279 tests were administered to 2,747 players; 35,342 tests were administered to 5,992 personnel.
  • There were four new confirmed positive tests among players and six new confirmed positives among other personnel.