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miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2022

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Argentina crowned champions of FIBA AmeriCup 2022

SEPTEMBER 12, 2022

RECIFE (Brazil) - Argentina have captured the gold medal at the FIBA AmeriCup 2022 after defeating hosts Brazil 75-73 in a thrilling Final, culminating a perfect 6-0 record in the tournament.

Argentina jumped out to a 14-4 lead in the first five minutes and a 26-14 lead after one quarter, as their offense was clicking early with six three-pointers in the quarter. Gabriel Deck paced Argentina with 8 points while Nicolas Laprovittola had 6 points and both players knocked down two shots from beyond the arc.

Argentina kept their foot on the gas, stretching their lead to as many as 15 points in the second quarter, but Brazil didn't go away, as they won the quarter 24-22 behind Vitor Benite's 7 points and Marcelinho Huertas' 6 points in the quarter.

Brazil got things going in the third quarter with a 12-5 run to cut their deficit to three points in the first few minutes. Three points was as close as the hosts got in the quarter on multiple occasions, as Argentina closed with eight made free-throws across the final couple minutes to pull out to a 67-60 lead heading to the fourth quarter.

The raucous home crowd turned it up a notch in the final quarter, helping lift Brazil to a 10-2 run, as they grabbed their first lead of the game since early in the first quarter. The two teams traded leads until the final lead change came on a game-winning layup by Deck with 16.1 seconds left, sealing the deal for Argentina.

It was only fitting for Deck to make the last shot of the tournament, as he was named the TCL Player of the Game once again, finishing with 20 points and 7 rebounds on 6-of-12 shooting from the field, 3-of-5 from three-point and 5-of-6 from the free-throw line for a game-high efficiency rating of 20.

He was also named the MVP of the AmeriCup after a stellar tournament, averaging 21.2 points, 5.8 rebounds and 1.5 assists per game, while shooting 64.9 percent from the field, 40.0 percent from three-point and 86.2 percent from the free-throw line.

Sometimes basketball is as simple as which team can put it in the hoop more and at a better percentage, and that was the case for Argentina, as they converted 41.1 percent of their shots from the field compared to 36.8 percent for Brazil. Argentina also made seven more free-throws than Brazil (19-of-21 vs. 12-of-16).

This was the fourth time that Argentina and Brazil squared off in an AmeriCup Final, as Argentina have now won three of those four matchups (2001, 2011, 2022). After finishing with the silver medal, Brazil have now won 11 medals at the competition, the second most all-time behind Argentina, who now have 14.

Argentina also won a medal for the 11th AmeriCup in a row, the best run in the history of the competition, and it will be their 14th medal overall, also the most ever.

"Extremely proud of our guys. I think they did an amazing job, but before that, I want to congratulate Brazil and his players, coaches. I think they did an amazing tournament as well. Could be for them, could be for us. I think luck sometimes decides, so congrats to Brazil for an amazing tournament and an amazing Final," said Argentina head coach Pablo Prigioni.

"Our guys did an amazing job putting the first, second, third effort defensively. We talked before the game that they're [Brazil] gonna give us at some point, an opportunity. We didn't know if it was gonna be early in the game, in the middle of the game or in the end of the game. It was probably early. It helps us to take the lead and manage the game. but we knew that they were gonna bounce back. We talked about being ready for that punch. I think we absorbed it and then in the end, we have more patience, more calm."


Argentina contiene a Brasil y conquista su tercer título en la FIBA AmeriCup 2022


RECIFE (Brasil) - La tercera fue la vencida para Argentina. El equipo albiceleste jugó su tercera Final consecutiva en América y luego de perder las dos anteriores (2015 y 2017), finalmente pudo sacarse la espina al vencer este domingo al anfitrión Brasil, por 75-73, en el Gimnasio de Deportes Geraldo Magalhães de Recife, para coronarse campeón de la FIBA AmeriCup 2022.

Fue el tercer título continental para el país y la medalla número 14° en el torneo (máximo histórico, 6 de plata y 5 de bronce), mientras que Brasil se cuelga su tercer metal de plata y su número 11 en total (4 de oro y 4 de bronce).

El alero Gabriel Deck, quien anotó 20 puntos y bajó siete rebotes, para ser el líder de los argentinos, fue designado Jugador Más Valioso de la competición al promediar 21.2 unidades, convirtiendo el 65% de sus intentos, además de 5.8 capturas y 1.7 asistencias.

Deck fue el encargado de embocar el canasto decisivo que rompió la paridad a 73, cuando restaban 16 segundos para el final. Facundo Campazzo intentó un triple y el pívot Marcos Delía recuperó un muy valioso rebote ofensivo. Luego, Nicolás Laprovíttola habilitó a  Deck bajo el aro para anotar ante la marca rival.

Campazzo y Delía anteriormente también habían protagonizado el empate a 73, cuando el base atacó el canasto por el medio y encontró al pívot con un pase de faja para una volcada.

Argentina jugó una gran primera mitad en la que se fue al descanso con ventaja de 10 (48-38). En ese lapso el equipo embocó 8 triples en 22 intentos por solo 3 de Brasil en 14 tiros. Deck y Campazzo consiguieron 14 y 12 unidades respectivamente en esos 20 minutos iniciales.

Los locales tenían la obligación de responder en la segunda etapa ante su público y así lo hicieron. Vitor Benite, Yago Santos y Marcelinho Huertas, encendieron la chispa para un Brasil que mejoró en defensa y generó segundos chances (13 rebotes ofensivos y 12 puntos en segunda oportunidad). También calibró la puntería con 8 triples más que en la primera mitad, incluyendo uno de Lucas Dias que sirvió para ponerlo arriba, por 73-71, con 2:24 minutos para el cierre.

Sin embargo, los verdi-amarillos no lograron encestar más en el resto del partido gracias a la buena oposición de sus contrarios y en parte por el nerviosismo. El propio Dias tuvo la oportunidad de darles el triunfo con un triple en la última posesión, restando cuatro segundos, pero falló y Laprovíttola aseguró el rebote para los suyos.

Laprovíttolla también destacó por los campeones con 15 puntos, 8 rebotes y 4 asistencias. Campazzó cerró con 13 y 5 pases para anotación.

Brasil, que no pudo repetir la hazaña de 1984 cuando se coronó en casa, ni tomar desquite de su última Final en 2011 cuando Argentina los venció en Mar del Plata, tuvo a Benite como su mejor hombre con 18 puntos y 4 triples. Le siguieron Yago (9 asistencias) y Huertas con 11 contables, cada uno.

Esto dijeron los protagonistas:

“Estoy extremadamente orgulloso por los muchachos, hicieron un gran trabajo. Quiero felicitar también a Brasil, hicieron muy buen torneo, pudo haber sido también para ellos. Nuestros jugadores hicieron segundos y terceros esfuerzos en defensa. Habíamos hablado de que si nos daban oportunidad debíamos aprovecharlo, eso sucedió al inicio y nos permitió tomar ventaja temprano y manejarnos durante el partido”.

“Al principio pudimos presionar a sus bases y no les permitimos encontrar a sus compañeros para buenos tiros. Estoy orgulloso porque funcionó el plan. En la segunda parte cuando pasamos por momentos difíciles los jugadores se unieron, mantuvieron la calma y salieron adelante”, Pablo Prigioni, entrenador de Argentina, quien hizo su debut al frente del equipo en este torneo.

“Todos teníamos la ilusión de ganar esta copa. Estoy muy feliz por haberlo logrado. Hicimos un gran torneo, un gran esfuerzo. Se dio como queríamos. Es un mérito grande de todo el grupo. Tenemos un gran staff técnico, que nos ha dado todas las herramientas para esto. Estoy muy feliz por Pablo (Prigioni) por haber debutado de esta gran manera”, Gabriel Deck, MVP de la competición.

“No empezamos con la mejor actitud al inicio y eso marcó una diferencia cómoda para ellos, que llegó a ser de 15 (40-25)”. Gustavo Conti, entrenador de Brasil.

“En la segunda parte logramos ajustar técnicamente, en carácter y personalidad. Volvimos y el juego se resolvió por detalles. Ellos jugaron muy bien, tienen experiencia, son subcampeones del mundo”, Vitor Benite, escolta de Brasil.

Serbia's men and France's women win
FIBA 3x3 Europe Cup 2022

SEPTEMBER 11, 2022

GRAZ (Austria) - The two reigning world champions Serbia's men and France's women completed a historic double by winning the FIBA 3x3 Europe Cup 2022 in the unique and iconic Kasematten Schlossberg in Graz, Austria on September 11.

Serbia  took home their fourth consecutive European crown in the men's category after defeating  Olympic champions Latvia in the final (21-14). Dejan Majstorovic was named MVP after scoring  a game-high 10 points and leading his team in scoring in Austria.

Nauris Miezis, who scored an unbelievable buzzer-beater in the semi-final against Lithuania and led Latvia to their second silver medal at the 3x3 Europe Cup, was also included on the Team of The Tournament alongside tournament top scorer Arvin Slagter, who won bronze with the Netherlands.

In the women's category, France won their third 3x3 Europe Cup title after beating the Netherlands in the final (21-14). The 24-year-old Myriam Djekoundade, who led the field in player value, was named MVP of the competition.

Natalie van den Adel, who topped all scorers in Graz. and struck bronze for the Netherlands, together with bronze medalist Aldona Morawiec (Poland) also featured on the team of the tournament.

Since Serbia and France had won the Crelan FIBA 3x3 World Cup 2022 in Antwerp, Belgium, three months ago, and therefore qualified for the next edition as reigning champions, Europe Cup runners-up Latvia (men) and the Netherlands (women) clinched their ticket to the FIBA 3x3 World Cup 2023, which will also take place in Austria, in Vienna.


Exciting, urban and innovative, 3x3 is inspired by several forms of streetball played worldwide and is considered the world’s number one urban team sport. Steered by FIBA, games see two teams of three players face off on a basketball half-court.

It was played successfully for the first time in international competition at the 2010 Youth Olympic Games in Singapore and since then has benefited from the launch of a yearly city-based FIBA 3x3 World Tour and national-team FIBA 3x3 World & Continental Cups.

On July 24, 2021, 3x3 made its Olympic debut at the Tokyo Games.

For further information about 3x3, visit, FIBA 3x3 accounts on FacebookInstagramSina WeiboTencentTikTokTwitterYouku , YouTube and Twitch or contact


Isalys Quiñones (25), se espera que debuta en la venidera temporada con las Atenienses de Manatí, anotó 15 puntos.

21 de septiembre 2022
Nuestras ’12 Guerreras’ hicieron historia esta noche con una aplastante victoria, 82-58, sobre la Selección de Bosnia-Herzegovina en el Women’s Basketball World Cup, celebrado en Sydney, Australia.
Mya Hollingshed con cuatro puntos y Arella Guirantes con dos fueron las responsables de un avance 6-0 que les otorgó la ventaja definitiva a ‘Las Nuestras’, 8-2, con 6:17 del primer cuarto. Al concluir el acto, la diferencia era de 15 tantos, 31-16.
En el 2018 fue la primera participación de Puerto Rico en una Copa Mundial en la rama femenina, donde acumuló una marca de 0-3. En su primer partido en aquel certamen solo encestaron 36 puntos contra Bélgica.
Las boricuas continuaron su excelente desempeño durante el segundo parcial. Una efectiva penetración de Guirantes elevó la ventaja a 17, 53-36, al cerrar la primera mitad.
Precisamente, las boriqueñas anotaron 53 tantos en su segundo choque en el mundial del 2018 ante el combinado de España.
Con una canasta de Tayra Meléndez, Puerto Rico sobrepasó la barrera de los 22 puntos de ventaja, 62-40, restando 4:42 del tercer segmento. Al mismo tiempo, dicha ofensiva superaba la mayor cantidad anotada en un partido mundialista, 61 frente a Japón en su último juego en el 2018.
“En el BSNF estamos de celebración y alegría con este resultado, la primera victoria en una competencia mundial”, manifestó Luis G. Miranda Ramos, Director General del BSNF. “Una vez más nuestras jugadoras sacaron la cría puertorriqueña. Sabíamos que ellas eran capaces de lograr la victoria y hoy se probó nuevamente que el nivel de baloncesto que se juega en nuestras canchas es de calidad mundialista”.
Guirantes fue la mejor jugadora con 26 puntos, nueve rebotes y ocho asistencias; Hollingshed e Isalys Quiñones le siguieron con 15 tantos cada una.
Quiñones es esperada por las Atenienes de Manatí para su primera temporada en el BSNF. Otra integrante en igual situación es Brianna Jones (Cangrejeras de Santurce). Mientras, el grupo de jugadoras con experiencia en el torneo superior son Meléndez (Gigantes de Carolina), Jennifer O’Neill (Explosivas de Moca), Sofía Roma y Pamela Rosado (Montañeras de Morovis).
Estas jugadoras podrán ser vistas en los coliseos de la Isla en la temporada 2022 a partir del próximo sábado 8 de octubre.
Puerto Rico continuará su participación en la Copa Mundo mañana (8:30 p.m., hora PR) midiéndose al quinteto de Estados Unidos de América.



NEW YORK, Sept. 21, 2022 – NBA Commissioner Adam Silver issued the following statement:


“I fully support the decision by Robert Sarver to sell the Phoenix Suns and Mercury.  This is the right next step for the organization and community.”

Pau Gasol excited to be in Sydney as Ambassador of the FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup 2022

SEPTEMBER 20, 2022

SYDNEY (Australia) - International hoops icon Pau Gasol has been named the FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup 2022 Ambassador, which tips off on September 22 in Sydney, Australia.

Gasol, the FIBA Basketball World Cup 2006 MVP, one of the most decorated players in the history of national team basketball as a superstar with Spain, a two-time NBA champion, has long been a strong advocate for giving women opportunities in sports and in all walks of life.

A close friend of the late Kobe Bryant, who was passionate about helping the women's game grow, Pau Gasol and his former Los Angeles Lakers teammate shared the same vision of not only promoting women's basketball but helping players reach their full potential.

Gasol has stated that female coaches should have the same opportunities as men to be candidates of head coach jobs of men's pro teams.

"I am a huge fan. The Women's game is rising and I can't wait to be in Sydney to watch the best teams in the world compete for the highest honor in international basketball. The level of skill, intensity, physicality and passion those athletes bring to the court is amazing", said Pau Gasol.

"To play for your country on the biggest stage, it's the greatest pride," he added. "Basketball is all about team play. It's about moving the ball, sharing the ball, finding an open teammate, creating a flow offensively. It's an unselfish game."

Hoping for the right chemistry, twelve teams will take on the daunting task to win the trophy.

About the FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup 2022
The 19th edition of FIBA's most distinguished women's event, the FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup 2022, will take place in Sydney, Australia from September 22 to October 1.

The FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup 2022 is supported by the NSW Government through its major events and tourism agency, Destination NSW and the Office of Sport.



NEW YORK, September 20, 2022 – Minnesota Timberwolves guard Anthony Edwards has been fined $40,000 for using offensive and derogatory language on social media, it was announced today by Byron Spruell, President, League Operations. Edwards has acknowledged that his actions were inappropriate.





NEW YORK, Sept. 20, 2022  The NBA announced today that Toronto Raptors Governor Larry Tanenbaum has been unanimously re-elected Chairman of the NBA Board of Governors.


Tanenbaum, the longtime Chairman of Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment (MLSE), has served as NBA Board Chairman since 2017, when he became the first Canadian to ever be named to the role.  Under his leadership, the Raptors captured the franchise’s first NBA championship in 2019.


“I am delighted that Larry will continue serving the league as our Chairman of the Board,” said NBA Commissioner Adam Silver.  “His leadership, guidance and support are greatly appreciated by me and my colleagues as well as the other team governors.”


"I am honoured to continue serving as Chairman of the NBA Board of Governors to help play a role in leading this great league," said Tanenbaum. "I am grateful to my fellow governors for their valued support and I look forward to working with each of them, and Commissioner Silver along with the League Office staff, as we continue to grow the NBA's impact on the game of basketball and in our communities."


A Toronto native, Tanenbaum served on numerous NBA committees before becoming Chairman, including the Advisory/Finance Committee from 2008-17 and the Planning Committee from 2000-14.


Tanenbaum, one of North America’s most influential sports figures, has been Governor of the Raptors since 1998 and holds the same title with the National Hockey League’s Toronto Maple Leafs and Major League Soccer’s Toronto FC.  As Chairman of MLSE, he has been widely recognized for his leadership helping sports leagues, professional teams and the Canadian market successfully navigate through the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In recognition of his contributions in the areas of philanthropy, business and volunteerism, Mr. Tanenbaum was appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada on October 25, 2007.  The Order of Canada is the centre piece of Canada’s honors system and represents its highest civilian award. 

Rosters confirmed for the FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup 2022

SEPTEMBER 20, 2022

SYDNEY (Australia) - The rosters of the 12 participating nations at the prestigious FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup 2022 have been confirmed ahead of the curtain being raised in Sydney.

Click on the countries below to see the rosters:

Group A: BelgiumChinaBosnia and HerzegovinaPuerto RicoKoreaUSA
Group B: FranceSerbiaJapanMaliCanadaAustralia

In what is the 19th edition of the tournament, the teams will compete during the Group Phase in two groups of six, with nations playing each other in a round-robin format. The Group Phase begins on Thursday September 22 and concludes on Tuesday September 27.

At the end of the Group Phase, a draw will determine the pairings of the Quarter-Finals. The two best-ranked teams of each group (group A and group B) will be drawn against the two teams ranked third and fourth of the other group. The Quarter-Finals will be played on Thursday September 29. 

The Semi-Finals will take place the following day with the Third Place Game and showpiece Final to be held on Saturday October 1.

As well as taking the precious silverware, the team that wins the title in Sydney will also gain automatic qualification to the Paris 2024 Women's Olympic Basketball Tournament.

To find out where and how to watch the FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup 2022 please click here.



– Launchpad Initiative Highlights NBA Efforts to Source, Evaluate and Pilot Emerging

Technologies that Advance Top Basketball and Business Priorities 


– Fan Experience Priorities Added to 2023 Launchpad –


NEW YORK, Sept. 19, 2022 – The National Basketball Association (NBA) today announced the second installment of NBA Launchpad, the league’s initiative to source, evaluate and pilot emerging technologies that advance the NBA’s top priorities on and off the court. Given the success of the platform in advancing key basketball priorities during its inaugural year, the 2023 NBA Launchpad is expanding to identify emerging fan experiences at home and in NBA arenas.


Starting today, companies and entrepreneurs can apply to NBA Launchpad by submitting innovations that address one of six priority areas:


Basketball: Soft Tissue Injury Prevention and Recovery, Healthy Playing Habits in Youth Basketball, Disrupting the Game (Open Category)

Fan Experience: Game Production and Viewing Experience, In-Seat Experience, Sports Betting Experience


Following a rigorous evaluation process, selected applicants will participate in a six-month R&D project within the NBA’s ecosystem. As part of NBA Launchpad, companies and entrepreneurs will receive access to NBA resources, hands-on support and other unique incentives to develop future technologies. At the conclusion of the program, Launchpad companies will present to NBA executives, strategic partners and investors during Demo Day at NBA Summer League.


Description of 2023 Priority Areas:


Advancing Basketball


Soft Tissue Injury Prevention and Recovery

Soft tissue injuries comprise over 50% of all injuries leading to missed games in NBA players and can impair performance, limit playing time, and disrupt a career. The NBA is seeking solutions that enhance how we handle soft tissue injury risk and recovery. Technologies that predict, prevent or rehabilitate soft tissue injuries will keep our players on the court and embolden them to play with a lower risk of injury.


Healthy Playing Habits in Youth Basketball

To promote a healthy and positive youth basketball experience, the NBA and USA Basketball Youth Guidelines provide age-appropriate recommendations for youth basketball participation that: (a) establish sufficient time for rest and recovery, (b) promote organized and peer-led play (e.g., pick-up), and (c) reduce cumulative, high-density competitions. These standards are based on expert consensus and research to decrease the risk of injury while promoting skill development and long-term success in basketball. To promote healthy playing habits that will lead to longer and more productive careers for our future stars, the NBA is seeking technologies that help grassroots players and coaches better understand and manage their participation, with a focus on solutions that support the core principles of the Youth Guidelines.


Disrupting the Game (Open Category)

To continue innovating the sport, the NBA is seeking to identify world-class companies disrupting basketball priority areas, including player development, talent discovery, officiating and player health & wellness.


Enhancing Fan Experiences


Game Production and Viewing Experience

As the media consumption landscape continues to shift, the NBA is seeking to continue to innovate how the game of basketball is produced, distributed and experienced. Technologies that create new models for game production and distribution or introduce new forms of game viewership will allow for continued game innovation and will improve telecasts for NBA fans around the world.


In-Seat Experience

A fan’s seat is their home within our arena and every moment during their journey is an opportunity to deepen their fandom. In order to keep fans engaged and immersed in the game, the NBA is seeking technologies that involve fans directly from their seats to create interactive business solutions and fan activations to enhance the game day experience.


Sports Betting Experience

Sports betting is growing in popularity as new states legalize throughout the country, but the state-by-state rollout has stifled product innovation. We are seeking technologies that make the experience of betting on the live game more engaging, more intuitive, and more enjoyable for our fans. Potential areas of interest include, but are not limited to, (a) dynamic “microbetting” opportunities, (b) interactive products allowing fans to suggest what they want to bet, and (c) live game digital overlays to access betting accounts. Sportradar, the NBA’s Official Partner, will join the Advisory Board and help assess the technologies.


For more information on the program and to apply for the 2023 cohort, please visit the NBA Launchpad website or email




NEW YORK, Sept. 19, 2022 – The NBA announced today that Kane Fitzgerald, a top-performing referee with 13 seasons of officiating experience in the league, has been named Vice President of Referee Operations and Replay Center Principal. 


Fitzgerald will come off the court as an official to assume his new position immediately.  He will replace Jason Phillips, who served three years as Replay Center Principal after 19 years as an NBA official.


In his new role, Fitzgerald will be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the NBA Replay Center in Secaucus, N.J.  His Referee Operations duties will include creating training videos and interpreting the rules of the game for officials, teams, broadcasters and media.


“Kane’s broad experience and distinguished record as an NBA official make him well suited to oversee our efforts to maintain the highest of standards for the NBA Replay Center,” said NBA President, League Operations Byron Spruell.  “We are fortunate that he will bring his skills and expertise to such an important leadership position.”


“I am grateful for the opportunity to work with the talented people who make the NBA Replay Center such an integral part of our game,” said Fitzgerald.  “While I will miss officiating games, I look forward to this new challenge of supporting and further enhancing the Referee Operations group.”     


Fitzgerald has officiated 779 NBA regular-season games and 69 playoff games, including four NBA Finals games.  He worked Game 4 of the 2022 NBA Finals between the Boston Celtics and Golden State Warriors, the last of the 13 playoff games that he officiated in the 2021-22 season.  Fitzgerald was also one of the referees for the 2022 NBA All-Star Game in Cleveland. 


In addition to his NBA experience, Fitzgerald was an official in the NBA G League for four years and the WNBA and college basketball for two years each.  He started officiating high school games at age 18. 


A New Jersey native, Fitzgerald played college basketball at Centenary University in Hackettstown, N.J., where he earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration in 2004.

Canada win FIBA 3x3 Women's Series 2022

SEPTEMBER 18, 2022

CONSTANTA (Romania) - Canada won the third edition of the FIBA 3x3 Women's Series 2022 in Constanta, Romania, on September 17-18, 2022.

After dominating the regular season (they were the only team to win three of the eleven total stops), Canada had a perfect 5-0 record in the iconic sea side resort, including a 21-16 success in the final against France, in a rematch of the Crelan FIBA 3x3 World Cup 2022 gold-medal game. Canada finished the season with a 25-3 record and an 89% winning percentage.

The number one 3x3 player in the world Michelle Plouffe had a statistical rarity in the final: a 14-point, 11-highlight double-double (usually double-fives are celebrated in 3x3 because of the 21-point, 10-minute nature of the game).

The 30-year-old dominated nearly every stat category in Constanta (points, highlights, key assists, player value) and was named MVP of the Final. She also collected 10,000 USD for leading all players in player value on the entire season (every player in the Top 10 received prize money).

Prize money in general was multiplied by four this year on the Women's Series, to reach half a million USD on the season. A total of 279,000 USD was at stake at the Constanta Final alone. Canada collected 40,000 USD for winning their first title (France and Germany won the first two editions in 2019 and 2021 respectively) and stopping France one win short of an unbelievable triple crown (World Cup, Europe Cup, Women's Series).

1. Canada
2. France
3. USA
4. Germany
5. Dusseldorf ZOOS (GER)
6. Romania
7. Lithuania
8. Spain


Exciting, urban and innovative, 3x3 is inspired by several forms of streetball played worldwide and is considered the world’s number one urban team sport. Steered by FIBA, games see two teams of three players face off on a basketball half-court.

It was played successfully for the first time in international competition at the 2010 Youth Olympic Games in Singapore and since then has benefited from the launch of a yearly city-based FIBA 3x3 World Tour and national-team FIBA 3x3 World & Continental Cups.

On July 24, 2021, 3x3 made its Olympic debut at the Tokyo Games.

France complete historic double at FIBA 3x3 Nations League 2022

SEPTEMBER 16, 2022

CONSTANTA (Romania) - France won both in the men and the women's categories at the FIBA 3x3 Nations League 2022 in picturesque Constanta, Romania on September 16.

The two French teams dominated the fifth edition of the competition dedicated to players under the age of 23 (including U21 teams), which featured 11 different conferences and started in May.

On the men's side, France U21 triumphed over all the U23 teams, including Egypt in a nail-biting semi-final (22-19) and Israel in a one-sided final (21-11). The high-flying Lorenzo Thirouard-Samson was named MVP after leading France in points and finishing third overall in the scoring charts.

To add to France's tour de force in the iconic seaside resort of Constanta, the women's final had France U23 face off... France U21. The reigning champions won their second consecutive Nations League title after a final 22-17 success against their younger countrywomen. The versatile Camille Droguet (who also won the final last year, as did teammate Noémie Brochant) took home the MVP trophy after topping all scorers in Romania.


Exciting, urban and innovative, 3x3 is inspired by several forms of streetball played worldwide and is considered the world’s number one urban team sport. Steered by FIBA, games see two teams of three players face off on a basketball half-court.

It was played successfully for the first time in international competition at the 2010 Youth Olympic Games in Singapore and since then has benefited from the launch of a yearly city-based FIBA 3x3 World Tour and national-team FIBA 3x3 World & Continental Cups.

On July 24, 2021, 3x3 made its Olympic debut at the Tokyo Games.




NEW YORK, Sept. 15, 2022 – The National Basketball Association (NBA) and the National Basketball Referees Association (NBRA) announced today that they have entered into a new collective bargaining agreement.


The seven-year agreement will begin with the 2022-23 season and run through the 2028-29 season. Per league policy, terms of the agreement will not be disclosed.



Jennifer O'Neill participó por última vez en el campeonato 2016 con las Gigantes de Carolina.

14 de septiembre 2022
Hay caras nuevas en la administración y en la plantilla.
En la ‘Capital del Mundillo’ hubo una renovación, que incluye un nuevo apoderado, cuerpo técnico, un coliseo renovado y caras nuevas en el plantel para el torneo 2022 del Baloncesto Superior Nacional Femenino (BSNF), que iniciará el sábado 8 de octubre.
Héctor ‘Bobby’ Porrata-Doria no retornará a la dirección técnica. El veterano entrenador aceptó mudarse a la Capital junto al ex apoderado de las Explosivas de Moca, Gabriel Vázquez, que asumió la administración de las Cangrejeras de Santurce. Al tiempo que jugadoras como Hillary Martínez y las importadas Ariana Moorer, Nikki McDonald y Amber Smith tampoco vestirán el uniforme explosivo.
Solo cuatro jugadoras del pasado año regresan al conjunto. Y el comerciante Andros Álvarez llega a capitanear tras una vida como jugador de baloncesto y una temporada de experiencia en el mercadeo de las propias explosivas.
“Yo tengo un gimnasio y tengo una compañía de suplementación deportiva”, explicó Álvarez. “Jugué categorías menores, en la LAI y Primera Categoría. Ayudé en el 2019 en el mercadeo del equipo y ahí es cuando comencé a ir a los juegos”.
Justamente, esa experiencia en la temporada 2019 fue lo que lo llevó a traer de regreso al técnico Leonel Avilés, quien lideró al quinteto al tercer lugar con marca de 8-8 y fue superado en la ronda semifinal por las Cangrejeras en cuatro desafíos, 3-1.
“Yo vi el éxito que él obtuvo con ese equipo. A pesar de que era un equipo de muchas ‘rookies’ tuvieron éxito y llegaron a las semifinales y fue un gran logro que con ese grupo llegara hasta allá”, dijo.
En el periodo muerto, la nueva gerencia estuvo bastante activa y logró una de las firmas más importante al pactar con la armadora del equipo de Puerto Rico, Jennifer O’Neill, quien viene de jugar este año en Brasil y se encuentra en estos momentos en Australia preparándose junto al resto de las ’12 Guerreras’ para ver acción en el Mundial Femenino de Baloncesto.
También firmaron como importadas a Asia Taylor, Roxy Barahman y Rodjanae Wade. En un cambio con las Gigantes de Carolina sumaron a la pívot Paola Crespo. Mientras, en el sorteo de Nuevo Ingreso agregaron a Victoria Mercado. Y, en la lotería de No Reservadas solicitaron a Paulette Addison y Génesis Del Toro.
“Nuestras tres refuerzos estuvimos un ratito analizando y buscando las mejores opciones. Hicimos el equipo básicamente alrededor de Jennifer y entendemos que las tres refuerzos que escogimos son perfectas para combinarlas con las jugadoras nuestras”, detalló.
Moca repetirá a Sonia Román, Madelyn Velázquez, Kiara Quiñones y Jackie Benítez. “Entiendo que, con esas jugadoras, en combinación con Jennifer y nuestras tres refuerzos, vamos a dar de qué hablar”, añadió.
Las Explosivas inician mañana jueves, 15 de septiembre, sus entrenamientos oficiales en cancha. Hoy llegan todas las jugadoras no residentes en la Isla, con excepción de O’Neill por su compromiso con la Selección.
“Estarán todas. Van a llegar todas mañana (hoy)”, informó. “Cuando tú tienes un ‘staff’ así de bueno como el de nosotros, desde el personal administrativo, los ‘coaches’, más el grupo de jugadoras que tenemos… yo pienso que esa es la clave. Y la fanaticada de Moca que está bien activa. Todo eso en conjunto será lo que nos dará el éxito en esta temporada”.
Las Explosivas tendrán como hogar un remozado coliseo Dr. Juan Sánchez Acevedo, luego de haber tenido que compartir sus juegos locales en el 2021 entre el Palacio de Recreación y Deportes de Mayagüez y el coliseo Arquelio Torres Ramírez de San Germán. “El coliseo está 100 por ciento ‘ready’. Estamos preparando un área VIP para los abonados y auspiciadores. Vamos a hacer como un balcón en el segundo piso para que puedan ver los juegos desde allá arriba tranqulitos”, detalló.
“El año pasado llegamos a cuartos de final, no contábamos con el equipo entero. Este año tenemos básicamente el equipo completo. Esperamos dar ese paso que nos falta que es llegar a la final”, concluyó.



NEW YORK, Sept. 13, 2022 – The NBA today issued the following statement:


Following the publication of a November 4, 2021, article regarding statements and conduct of Robert Sarver, Managing Partner of the Phoenix Suns and the WNBA’s Phoenix Mercury, and issues relating to the teams’ workplace, the NBA commissioned an independent investigation by the law firm of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz.  David Anders and Sarah Eddy, partners at the firm, led the investigation.


The report of the independent investigation, which was issued publicly today, was based on information gathered from interviews with 320 individuals, including current and former employees who worked for the teams during Mr. Sarver’s 18-year tenure as Managing Partner, Mr. Sarver, and other relevant individuals; and from the evaluation of more than 80,000 documents and other materials, including emails, text messages and videos.  Mr. Sarver and the Suns/Mercury organization cooperated fully with the investigative process.


As stated in the report, the independent investigation found that Mr. Sarver “engaged in conduct that clearly violated common workplace standards, as reflected in team and League rules and policies.  This conduct included the use of racially insensitive language; unequal treatment of female employees; sex-related statements and conduct; and harsh treatment of employees that on occasion constituted bullying.”


Among the key findings:


  • Mr. Sarver, on at least five occasions during his tenure with the Suns/Mercury organization, repeated the N-word when recounting the statements of others.    
  • Mr. Sarver engaged in instances of inequitable conduct toward female employees, made many sex-related comments in the workplace, made inappropriate comments about the physical appearance of female employees and other women, and on several occasions engaged in inappropriate physical conduct toward male employees. 
  • Mr. Sarver engaged in demeaning and harsh treatment of employees, including by yelling and cursing at them.


As reflected in the report, Mr. Sarver informed the investigators of his personal and professional efforts to promote diversity, equity and inclusion, including hiring practices at the Suns/Mercury organization and contributions to social and racial justice causes.  The investigation made no finding that Mr. Sarver’s workplace misconduct was motivated by racial or gender-based animus.


The independent investigation also substantiated instances of workplace misconduct engaged in by Suns employees that were not directly related to Mr. Sarver and a lack of proper organizational policies and controls.  Among other things, the investigation found instances of racial insensitivity, mistreatment of female employees, inappropriate commentary related to sex or sexual orientation, and disrespectful communications.  The investigation also concluded that the Suns’ Human Resources function was historically ineffective and not a trusted resource for employees who were subjected to acts of improper workplace conduct.


As noted in the report, most of the Suns employees who engaged in these acts of misconduct over the 18-year period of investigation are no longer employed by the organization.  In addition, in July 2021, the organization hired a new head of Human Resources who, along with other executives, has since implemented a series of positive workplace changes.  These include an updated respect in the workplace policy, the creation of a confidential hotline for reports of misconduct, an investigation response team for conducting internal investigations, additional workplace training on key policies, and a new parental leave policy.


Based on the findings of the independent investigation, including those related to Mr. Sarver’s workplace misconduct and organizational deficiencies, the NBA today has taken the following actions:


  • Mr. Sarver is suspended from the Suns/Mercury organization for a period of one year, during which time he will not:


    • Be present at any NBA or WNBA team facility, including any office, arena, or practice facility.
    • Attend or participate in any NBA or WNBA event or activity, including games, practices, or business partner activity.
    • Represent the Suns or Mercury in any public or private capacity.
    • Have any involvement with the business or basketball operations of the Suns or Mercury.
    • Have any involvement in the business, governance, or activities of either the NBA or WNBA, including attending or participating in meetings of either league’s Board (and their associated Board committees).


  • Mr. Sarver must, during his suspension, complete a training program focused on respect and appropriate conduct in the workplace.


  • Mr. Sarver is fined $10 million, the maximum permitted by the NBA Constitution & By-Laws.  The NBA will donate these funds to organizations that are committed to addressing race and gender-based issues in and outside the workplace.


  • Additionally, the Suns/Mercury organization must fulfill a series of requirements for workplace improvements set forth and monitored by the NBA.  These requirements, among other things, include:


  • Retaining an outside firm to evaluate and make recommendations with respect to workplace training programs, policies and procedures, and hiring and compensation practices -- with a focus on fostering a diverse, inclusive, and respectful workplace.
  • Conducting regular and anonymous workplace culture surveys and responding to survey results with specific action plans.
  • Immediately reporting to the league any instances or allegations of significant misconduct by any employee.
  • For a period of three years, providing the league with regular reports related to steps taken by the organization to address these requirements.
  • Following league direction for remediation/improvement of workplace issues if/as they arise.


“The statements and conduct described in the findings of the independent investigation are troubling and disappointing,” said NBA Commissioner Adam Silver.  “We believe the outcome is the right one, taking into account all the facts, circumstances and context brought to light by the comprehensive investigation of this 18-year period and our commitment to upholding proper standards in NBA workplaces.


I am hopeful that the NBA community will use this opportunity to reflect on what this great game means to people everywhere and the values of equality, respect and inclusion that it strives to represent.  Regardless of position, power or intent, we all need to recognize the corrosive and hurtful impact of racially insensitive and demeaning language and behavior.  On behalf of the entire NBA, I apologize to all of those impacted by the misconduct outlined in the investigators’ report.  We must do better.”


The report of the independent investigation is available here:

El Club de Baloncesto Bayamón Cowboys lleva mensajes positivos a los presentes en la Inauguración del Torneo Little Lads en Ponce

(San Juan P.R. domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2022) – El Club de Baloncesto Bayamón Cowboys se ocupó en preparar un motivo específico de llevar un mensaje positivo a todos los presentes para desfilar en la Inauguración del Torneo “Little Lads” que se celebró el pasado sábado, 10 de septiembre, en el Auditorio Juan Pachín Vicéns, de la Ciudad Señorial de Ponce, informó una de las apoderadas del Club Equipo 10U, Michelle Camille Ortiz Ramos.

“En una iniciativa por aportar momentos y mensajes positivos a nuestra Isla, en especial al deporte de las categorías menores. Algunos niños del Club Bayamon portaron pancartas con mensajes positivos como: “Cree en ti”, “Nunca te rindas” y “El deporte es vida”, entre otros para motivar a los demás a seguir adelante y de una manera agregar más valor y respeto al deporte en nuestro país”, expresó Ortiz Ramos.



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